The Herald

Scottish company acts to give staff a voice

- Ian Mcconnell

A Scottish company that is near 150 years old has revealed a move to employee ownership, flagging the effect of retaining independen­ce and “safeguardi­ng” staff in a sector in which it noted many businesses are acquired by larger competitor­s or outside investors.

Scottish premium bakery and confection­ery ingredient­s supplier R&W Scott, based at Carluke in Lanarkshir­e, was the subject of a management buyout by its current leadership team from

Real Good Food in 2018.

The company said yesterday that this team had “delivered on their five-year growth plan to arrest losses, safeguard employment, and achieve annual earnings before interest, tax, depreciati­on and amortisati­on (Ebitda) of £2 million”.

R&W Scott announced that, from July 8, it “will be operating under an employee ownership trust”, declaring: “Under this new structure, all the company shares are acquired by the EOT for the benefit of employees – allowing R&W Scott staff to participat­e in and influence the company’s future direction without having to directly own or buy shares.”

It added: “The decision to create this new structure was driven by the desire to sustain the company’s independen­ce and recognise that R&W Scott’s success was built upon the hard work and commitment of employees.”

Clare Mcneil, commercial director of R&W Scott, said: “Many businesses in our sector are acquired by larger competitor­s or outside investors as they grow. To safeguard employment here and continue to deliver sustainabl­e growth, we’ve created the R&W Scott Employee Ownership Trust.

“Since we bought the business in 2018, we’ve delivered year-on-year growth, and our plan is to maintain that trajectory for the long-term benefit of our employees.”

R&W Scott said that, operationa­lly, its senior leadership team, including managing director Stephen Currie, Ms Mcneil and finance director Michael Hewitt, will continue to oversee the day-to-day operations.

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