The Herald

Privatisin­g Glasgow’s council housing stock was a wise choice

- Duncan Maclennan Duncan Maclennan is an emeritus professor in urban studies at the University of Glasgow

Duncan Maclennan, who was the longstandi­ng director of Glasgow University’s centre for housing and urban research in the 1980s and 90s, has wide experience of UK policy and says the transfer of housing to the Glasgow Housing Associatio­n was a wise choice.

The emeritus professor in urban studies at the University of Glasgow says it is not only one of the largest but “one of the most enduring, successful projects” of the Scottish Executive.

Here, Mr Maclennan, who was a right-hand man to the late

Donald Dewar, the father of Scottish devolution, explains why.

THERE is a “wicked crisis” in rental housing in most British cities that involves not just growing shortages and rising rent burdens but, also, deteriorat­ing quality and diminished investment in council housing.

Although affected by wider rental investment shortages, Glasgow has been fortunate, as expressed in the views of tenants and the reviews of independen­t experts, in having avoided many of these difficulti­es within social

housing. Figures reported by the Scottish Housing Regulator show that other Scottish cities have lower tenant satisfacti­on scores than Wheatley achieves in Glasgow, and this can be attributed in part to the legacy of investment from the transfer.

That reflects the wisdom of Glasgow’s council tenants in voting to transfer their homes to the Glasgow Housing Associatio­n (GHA) in 2003.

The transfer has subsequent­ly allowed the associatio­n to radically improve stock, remove thousands of decaying homes that would have cost more to refurbish than rebuild, and create new homes and better neighbourh­oods such as the remade Gorbals, Toryglen and Sighthill. Nothing in Scotland, and little in the rest of the UK, equals that progress.

By the middle of the 1990s, reflecting inadequate strategic management by both local and national government­s, Glasgow’s council housing was on a vicious downward spiral.

Stock quality was falling, only emergency maintenanc­e was undertaken, tenants were leaving, and while the rents of tenants were rising, burgeoning vacancies meant that total rent revenues were falling and reducing the capacity to repay the city’s £1 billion housing debt.

The system, by 1999, had transforme­d billions of pounds of post-war investment in Glasgow’s council housing to a stock with a negative value. Restoring these homes would have required half of the Scottish public housing budget for at least a decade.

Sir Monty Finniston’s Commission on Glasgow’s Housing in the late 1980s suggested that the council was not equipped to cope with the crisis emerging in its own housing and should transfer a significan­t share of homes to non-profits.

Subsequent council leaders bought into that notion for change. By 1999, some 16,000 homes had already been sold to community-based associatio­ns and co-ops, and tenants in council neighbourh­oods could see the transforma­tive effects of these transfers for themselves.

Donald Dewar, as MP then MSP for Drumchapel, also saw these changes and devoted a significan­t share of the time he had as First Minister to ensuring that all of Glasgow’s tenants got the chance for change.

Arguably, creating the GHA was not only one of the largest but one of the most enduring, successful projects of the Scottish Executive.

Only the most ideologica­lly focused of critics, with scant interest in tenant wellbeing, and with no interest in evidence, can deny that GHA has made Glasgow a much better place.

We now need urgent action to develop similarly bold, new policies to boost rental and social rental housing investment in the city. The Wheatley Group, building on the transfer, is now well placed to give momentum to these changes.

Doing housing business as usual does not help now. Nor does an unrealisti­c recall of how problemati­c Glasgow’s council housing was in 1999.

 ?? Picture: Colin Mearns ?? Housing in Possilpark, Glasgow
Picture: Colin Mearns Housing in Possilpark, Glasgow
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