The Herald

Social media post by Matt Hancock over anti-vaxxers was ‘personal opinion’


A SOCIAL media post by Matt Hancock where he labelled an unnamed MP’S “conspiracy theories” on Covid vaccinatio­n as antisemiti­c was “essentiall­y an expression” of his opinion, a High Court judge has ruled.

The former health minister is being sued for libel by former North West Leicesters­hire MP Andrew Bridgen over the post on X, formerly Twitter, in January last year.

The post came after Mr Bridgen shared a link to an article “concerning data about deaths and other adverse reactions linked to Covid vaccines”, stating: “As one consultant cardiologi­st said to me, this is the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust.”

Hours later, Mr Hancock shared a video of himself asking Prime Minister Rishi Sunak a question in the House of Commons, with the caption: “The disgusting and dangerous antisemiti­c, anti-vax, antiscient­ific conspiracy theories spouted by a sitting MP this morning are unacceptab­le and have absolutely no place in our society.”

At a hearing earlier this month at the High Court in London, Mrs Justice Collins Rice was asked to decide several preliminar­y issues in the case, including the “natural and ordinary” meaning of Mr Hancock’s post and whether it was a statement of fact or opinion.

Whether the post referred to Mr Bridgen or not is to be decided at a trial to be held at a later date.

In a ruling yesterday, Mrs Justice Collins Rice said the post was not “definitive­ly condemning the MP as an individual” and that the majority of the publicatio­n was an “expression of opinion”.

The judge added: “A reader of tweets like this knows and expects they are tuning in to robust and opinionate­d reactive political comment. They would readily understand that Mr Hancock was calling out the promulgati­on of material in another’s comment, what the MP had said and how they had said it, as objectiona­ble from the perspectiv­e of public health and standards of public discourse, rather than definitive­ly condemning the MP as an individual.

She continued: “I am satisfied the ordinary reasonable reader would not have understood this tweet in the terms Mr Bridgen most fears.

“I am satisfied they would readily have understood it to be essentiall­y an expression of Mr Hancock’s opinions, and, as regards the epithet ‘antisemiti­c’ along with all the other epithets, to be referable to the MP’S mode of expression rather than the MP’S character or conviction­s.”

Mr Bridgen, who is standing as an independen­t candidate in the North West Leicesters­hire constituen­cy, previously said he wished to “clear his name” after the “malicious” post.

Mr Hancock, who has stepped down as an MP, has previously called the case “absurd” and labelled Mr Bridgen’s claims “ridiculous”.

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