The Herald

Scotland is ‘sleepwalki­ng towards a two-tier NHS’

Top doctor warns free-at-the-point-of-need service is under threat

- Helen Mcardle Health Correspond­ent

SCOTLAND’S NHS is in “permanent crisis” and its very existence as we know it is under threat as the growth of two-tier healthcare is “beyond question”, a leading doctor will warn.

Dr Iain Kennedy, a GP and chair of the BMA’S Scottish council, will tell delegates attending its annual conference in Belfast that the NHS is in the grip of a perma-crisis, with winter-style pressures continuing “365 days a year”.

Dr Kennedy will also warn that Scotland is “sleepwalki­ng” into losing an NHS that is free at the point of use.

It comes little over a week before the nation heads to the polls to vote for the next UK government, with Labour seemingly on track to secure a substantia­l majority of seats.

Health and the NHS are devolved, meaning that whichever party ends up in Downing Street will be responsibl­e solely for the running of the NHS in England.

However, healthcare policy and funding have been repeatedly raised during the campaign – including in Scotland – given that spending decisions taken at Westminste­r affect the amount of money available to spend on public services north of the Border.

The SNP, in power at Holyrood, is pushing for the next UK government to increase health spending by £16 billion a year, equivalent to an extra £1.6bn for Scotland through Barnett consequent­ials.

Uk-wide, A&E performanc­e and cancer waiting times have worsened significan­tly over the past five years and the number of people waiting for planned operations has reached a record high.

The GP workforce has declined and in many areas of the country, patients are unable to register with an NHS dentist and have been left with no option but to pay for private treatment instead.

In Scotland, the number of private GP surgeries has more than tripled since the pandemic as people struggle to get timely appointmen­ts with a family doctor.

There are also around 7,000 patients who have been waiting over two years for an inpatient or day case procedure on the NHS compared to 300 in England where eradicatin­g very long waits was prioritise­d.

The number of patients in Scotland self-funding their own treatment in private hospitals rose by 84% between 2019 and 2023.

Addressing the BMA’S Annual Representa­tives Meeting (ARM) in Belfast later today, Dr Kennedy will warn that Scotland’s NHS “is in a state of permanent crisis”, noting that more than 58,000 patients have waited more than 12 hours in a Scottish A&E department since he last addressed the conference in April last year – a 24-fold increase compared to five years ago.

Dr Kennedy will add: “This massive deteriorat­ion in performanc­e is completely outwith the control of our doctors who work tirelessly in traumatic circumstan­ces.

“And these figures are a warning light that the whole health and social care system is not coping with the demand.

“Long waits are forcing those who can afford it, to go private. A two-tier health service in Scotland is now beyond question.

“If you can stump up the cash, then you can get the care you need.

“But we all value an NHS free at the point of use.

“Yet, Scotland is sleepwalki­ng into sacrificin­g this principle, threatenin­g the very existence of the National Health Service as we know it.”

Neil Gray, who was appointed as Health Secretary in May – replacing Michael Matheson – has said he is “open to ideas” on how to improve the health service and has committed the Scottish

Government to a “national conversati­on” on the future of NHS and social care services.

However, Dr Kennedy says a plan for direct engagement with the public and stakeholde­rs “lacks both clarity and urgency”.

Scottish Conservati­ve shadow health secretary, Dr Sandesh Gulhane, MSP said: “The double whammy of the SNP’S dire

workforce planning and the failure of Humza Yousaf’s flimsy recovery plan has left staff stretched to breaking point, and it is patients who are paying the price.

“With the NHS’S peak winter period well behind us, we should be seeing drastic improvemen­ts, but under the SNP, our health service faces winter pressures all year round.

“My colleagues in the BMA have been very clear that unless drastic action is taken, then the existence of the NHS as we know it is under threat.”

Scottish Labour health spokespers­on Jackie Baillie said: “Dr Iain Kennedy and the BMA couldn’t be any clearer about the perilous state of our NHS.

“Waiting lists are growing, staff are overstretc­hed, and patients are being forced to consider private treatment, but the SNP insist there is no crisis.

“Our NHS doesn’t need to be protected by John Swinney and the SNP – it needs to be rescued from them. It’s rank hypocrisy from the SNP to insist they are the party who can save our NHS when it is 17 years of SNP government that has led to this crisis.

Health Secretary Neil Gray said: “The principles of a health service free at the point of need are sacrosanct. I have been clear, reform to how health services operate has never been more urgent and our vision for transforma­tion focuses on early prevention and interventi­on and improving population health.

“We greatly value our health workforce and want to hear from them, including BMA Scotland, on how best to reform services – we will collect views through a series of direct engagement­s with staff and key stakeholde­rs over the next year. We are making progress in clearing the backlog of long waits and continue to work closely with Boards to improve A&E.”

 ?? ?? Dr Iain Kennedy of the BMA
Dr Iain Kennedy of the BMA

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