The Herald

SNP in pledge to tackle ‘unique challenges’ posed by Highland life


THE SNP has pledged to tackle the “unique challenges” faced by the Highlands such as higher living and energy costs.

Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes joined candidates standing in Highland constituen­cies for the SNP’S manifesto launch today in Merkinch, Inverness.

The party vowed to prioritise local communitie­s and “build a prosperous future for everyone in the region” while promoting Scottish independen­ce.

Kate Forbes said: “The SNP will always put the Highlands first. Despite the pressures on our public finances during 14 years of Tory austerity, we have delivered significan­t improvemen­ts.

“We’ve built several new hospitals and new schools, created the potential for thousands of new jobs as part of the green industrial revolution and made the case for reversing depopulati­on. SNP MPS at Westminste­r have argued for lower energy and living costs, protection for our NHS, and more capital to invest in infrastruc­ture.

“This manifesto sets out how we will continue to deliver for the Highlands.”

Drew Hendry, who is the SNP’S candidate for Inverness, Skye and West Ross-shire, said: “This manifesto is a plan of action which has been informed and shaped by the people, families and businesses of the Highlands. We’ve listened and understand the fears, hopes and aspiration­s.

“There’s a strong call for investment in public services and protection for the NHS and that’s why both are at the heart of this manifesto. Our fantastic businesses also want to be in a prime position to benefit from our green energy future... we want to help ensure that happens.”

 ?? ?? Deputy First Minster Kate Forbes joined SNP candidates in Inverness for the launch of the party’s Highland manifesto
Deputy First Minster Kate Forbes joined SNP candidates in Inverness for the launch of the party’s Highland manifesto

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