The Herald

The Herald crosswords



7 Taught to cook trout by

journalist (7)

8 Send on attacking player (7)

10 Current affairs incorporat­ing

all four points (4)

11 Noel orbits variable stars (6,4) 12 Heated fossil fuel in the flower

plot (6)

13 Demanding hiding place, we

hear, for money (4,4)

15 Person skilled with locks? (11) 19 Shouter maintainin­g model, one

with a set of rules (8)

21 Reduce tuition time orally (6)

22 Curio Angus put out, being

impolite (10)

24 Cards’ winning serves (4)

25 Tavern’s refurbishe­d by

domestic worker (7)

26 University department hiding

key is out of order (7)


1 Note UK trend on the rise for

noble rank (7)

2 Profession­al adviser continued

to take in Muslim ruler (10)

3 Put in second request about

key instrument (8)

4 Trap in a niche (6)

5 Was exchanging second-class

mop (4)

6 Being without creative subject

is naive (7)

9 Hearing shot will lead to

crime (4,7)

14 Bill’s daughter raises main point

of cake (7,3)

16 Door-to-door trader, terribly

mean lass (8)

17 Person showing off with one of

Santa’s team (7)

18 They take charge temporaril­y,

regarding men’s toilet (7)

20 Modern centre renovated (6)

23 Roam in orchard without

leader (4)


1 Live permanentl­y (6)

4 Doorknob (6)

9 Facial hair on the

forehead (7)

10 Competitiv­e activities (5) 11 Enough (5)

12 Detergent (7)

13 Blue-green gem (5)

15 Geological or historical

age (5)

20 Egyptian monument (7) 22 Adjust (an alarm) (5)

24 Frizzy (5)

25 Sought after (7)

26 Doomed, cursed (6)

27 Recollecti­on (6)


1 Up-and-down seat (3-3) 2 Fasten securely with rope (3,2)

3 Theft of property (7)

5 Row, quarrel (5)

6 Maniacal (7)

7 Make certain (6)

8 On a couple of occasions (5) 14 Part of the listening organ (7) 16 Style of hat (4-3)

17 Seasoned, flavoured (6)

18 Change to suit (5)

19 Floor or level of a building (6) 21 Possibly, perhaps (5)

23 Artillery discharge (5)

 ?? ??
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