The Herald

Scottish travel operator banks £2m for new fleet of coaches

- Brian Donnelly

A SCOTTISH travel operator has hailed £2 million funding that will bring new coaches and create jobs.

The firm offering experience­s of the Scottish Highlands has upgraded its existing fleet after the funding boost with five new vehicles.

It received the backing from Lombard, part of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group.

Headquarte­red on Edinburgh’s

Royal Mile, Highland Experience Tours has chartered trips that “offer tourists an alternativ­e way to explore Scotland’s rural landscapes” since it was founded nearly two decades ago.

It said the trips, operated by experts, focus on exploring less-travelled routes, “meaning customers can enjoy an authentic travel experience and avoid notoriousl­y crowded spots”.

Starting out with just one vehicle, the firm’s leadership team has since grown its fleet to nearly 30 luxury mini-buses and small to full-size coaches.

Lombard’s support will allow Highland Experience to purchase an additional five Grand Toro coaches – a move which will result in the creation of more than 20 new jobs and a boost to rural economies. The travel provider said it is committed to promoting sustainabl­e tourism and has been awarded a Gold Green Tourism Business Award in recognitio­n of its work to protect the environmen­t, prioritisi­ng local suppliers wherever possible and providing eco-friendly driving training to its coach operators.

Michael Bremmer, managing director at Highland Experience Tours, said: “Like many in our industry, Covid was an incredibly challengin­g time for us, and we had to essentiall­y halt our services with no real idea of when we’d be able to begin again. This took its toll, but we remained determined to come back stronger than ever and have been able to grow the business to beyond even pre-pandemic levels.

“Investing in this new fleet marks a new chapter for us, and we’re incredibly grateful for the support of Royal Bank of Scotland and Lombard in helping us reach this milestone.”

Steven Gillies, senior relationsh­ip manager at Royal Bank of Scotland who facilitate­d the deal with Lombard, added: “Having worked with Highland Experience Tours since 2019, it’s been a privilege to watch the team recover from the pandemic and continue to grow their services and offering.

“Royal Bank of Scotland is

committed to supporting enterprise and Highland Experience Tours is a great example of a resilient business who are focused on looking to the future. Its unique approach to tourism is helping to promote Scotland’s rural landscapes to the world – bringing a significan­t economic boost to the communitie­s within them – and we look forward to continuing our banking relationsh­ip for years to come.”

 ?? ?? Highland Experience Tours has a focus on less-travelled routes
Highland Experience Tours has a focus on less-travelled routes

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