The Herald

Greens in call to end the ‘old boys’ club’


THE Scottish Greens have said Westminste­r needs to be “dragged into the 21st century” as they set out their policies on constituti­onal change.

Ahead of a campaign event in Edinburgh, co-leader Lorna Slater said Westminste­r is “archaic” and resembles “a braying and chuntering old boys’ club”.

The pro-independen­ce party is calling for gender quotas at all elections and the vote to be extended to 16 and 17-year-olds.

They also want the Section 35 power available to the Scottish Secretary to block Holyrood legislatio­n to be scrapped.

Alister Jack used this section of the Scotland Act to prevent the Gender Recognitio­n Reform Bill from becoming law, saying it would impact on equalities legislatio­n south of the border.

The Greens are also calling for the House of Lords to be replaced with an elected second chamber and proportion­al representa­tion at General Elections.

Ahead of the event in Edinburgh, Ms Slater said: “Since the Tories took office, they have run roughshod over devolution.

“They have made a cynical power grab and abused their position to overrule Scotland and undermine our Parliament.

“A vote for the Scottish Greens is a vote to scrap the anti-democratic Internal Market Act, which has been used to block basic environmen­tal measures, and Section 35 which has been used to overturn the will of our Parliament.”

She said: “Westminste­r is a badly dated and archaic relic of an institutio­n. It is not fit for purpose, and needs to be dragged into the 21st century.

“Westminste­r still has the air of a braying and chuntering old boys’ club, which is why we support gender quotas and other steps to ensure equal representa­tion for women.”

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