The Herald




1 Service Hoffman provides is a nice campaign (5,9)

9 Oozes, it’s said, given Welsh vegetables (5)

10 One’s in an eastern country – an eastern republic (9)

11 This roc bothered another bird (7)

12 Daughter split before journalist strayed (7)

13 Swerve and run after 22nd letter (4)

14 Makes a statement about former printing machines (9)

18 State shop rebuilt with utmost speed (4-5)

20 Small child to slide out of control (4)

22 Apricot tart contains Italian cheese (7)

25 Liquid in trial backed by poet (1,1,5)

26 Reckless person’s road speed varied (9)

27 Prim and proper person quietly impolite (5)

28 Careless lads do unearth old manuscript­s (4,3,7)


1 Prison rooms hold round instrument­s (6)

2 Drink right above loch with vigilance (9)

3 More confused when series broadcast after first of May (7)

4 Alarms legal entitlemen­t in English marshy area (9)

5 Nursed, taking time off, finished (5)

6 Star takes pay increase at dawn (7)

7 Rest after six pay a call (5)

8 Most unhappy dad’s set to change (7)

15 Prolific on tee, maybe, and surrounded (9)

16 Heavenly song? (9)

17 Argued about installing political leader to raise rank (7)

19 Sign of a fever for impetuous person (7)

20 Footballer’s brush? (7)

21 Rest of parents lacking leadership (6)

23 Social class starts to collaborat­e and sees the effect (5)

24 Belittle a foundation (5)


1 Appease (6)

4 Smother (6)

9 Thriftines­s (7)

10 Way of getting there (5)

11 Raise (4)

12 Non-profession­al (7)

14 Hire for a job (6)

16 Take possession of temporaril­y (6)

19 Form of Venetian transport (7)

21 ___ Ellis Cup, rugby trophy (4)

23 Short-term office helpers (5)

24 Blaze from wood (3,4)

25 Naked sun-worshipper (6)

26 Not second-hand (6)


1 Mince ___, Christmas fare (4)

2 Near view (5-2)

3 Ground wheat (5) 5

Violent storm (7)

6 Reedless wind instrument (5)

7 Facial-hair arcs (8)

8 ___ Thomas, Welsh poet (5)

13 Upraise (8)

15 Orchestral musicians (7)

17 Harold ___, US popular novelist (7)

18 Part of a cricket wicket (5)

20 Christened (5)

21 Open railway carriage (5)

22 Advance (money) (4)

 ?? Saturday, 19th August, 2023 ?? No. 16,395
Saturday, 19th August, 2023 No. 16,395
 ?? ??

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