The Herald

Deliveroo drivers in protest over ‘soul-destroying’ working conditions


DELIVEROO drivers have criticised bosses over “souldestro­ying” working conditions as they gathered for a protest during the firm’s annual general meeting (AGM).

Dozens of members of the Brazilian, Bengali, Romanian and British rider communitie­s arrived for a demonstrat­ion outside the offices of White & Case law firm in London yesterday as the AGM took place inside.

Protesters held up placards saying: “Justice for riders” and “Riders suffer, bosses profit” as several people played loud percussion instrument­s.

They then staged a motorcade protest, honking their horns and holding up the signs as they drove together through the City of London.

The drivers allege that the delivery app company has repeatedly failed to engage with them over poor pay and job security as it faced growing financial difficulti­es.

Because they are self-employed contractor­s, employers are not legally obliged to pay app-based delivery drivers the statutory national living wage of £11.44 an hour. Drivers get paid per delivery with a variable distance fee, but many complain that it is not clear how the changing rates are worked out.

Inside, chief executive Will Shu and the board were challenged by driver representa­tives with the support of responsibl­e investment charity Shareactio­n and the Independen­t Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB).

Deliveroo formed a partnershi­p with the GMB union in 2022 and recently agreed to increase the guaranteed minimum pay for the periods when drivers are on an order to £12 an hour, plus vehicle costs.

However, Matthew Toun, a 35-year-old driver from Reading, said the pay will still work out as less than £12 an hour because drivers often take longer to carry out a delivery than Deliveroo estimates due to factors like waiting times at restaurant­s or traffic.

Mr Toun, who has been a driver for more than five years, said: “We have seen a steady real-term decrease (in pay) year on year.”

“Our labour is being bid on every day to the lowest paying rider to take that order. But you have no choice. It’s soul-destroying,” the driver said.

Deliveroo said: “We value dialogue with riders and were grateful to the riders who attended and shared their experience­s and questions with the Board today, as well as those who stayed after the meeting to share their feedback with our team.

“Deliveroo offers the flexible work riders tell us they want alongside attractive earning opportunit­ies and protection­s, including free insurance, sickness cover, and financial support when riders become new parents.”

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