The Herald

Final Grenfell report at the end of summer


THE final report of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry will be published in September.

An update posted on its website said: “The Inquiry has written to core participan­ts to inform them that the Phase 2 report will be published on Wednesday,

September 4, 2024. Further informatio­n about the arrangemen­ts for publicatio­n will be published in due course.

“In accordance with rule 17 of the Inquiry Rules 2006, core participan­ts will be provided with copies of the report on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, under embargo.”

Bereaved families and survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire said they are hopeful the report will “give us the truth we deserve”.

They said change must follow, with recommenda­tions fully implemente­d.

Grenfell United, a bereaved families and survivors group, said: “We said 10 years until justice only yesterday, and today’s update has confirmed that. We now have a long-awaited date for publicatio­n and wait in anticipati­on of the findings.

“When the report is finally released, we need to know that Sir Martin Moore-bick’s recommenda­tions will be implemente­d. Nearly five years since the publicatio­n of the first report, the Tory government has failed to implement four of the phase one recommenda­tions.

“That is why we are calling for a national oversight mechanism – an independen­t public body responsibl­e for collating, analysing and following up on recommenda­tions from inquiries into staterelat­ed deaths.

“Hundreds of vital recommenda­tions are made and millions of pounds are spent, but what’s the point if there is no system to make sure changes are made?”

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