The Herald

Double Crossword




1 Make fun of French having to go on horseback (6)

4 Ray includes right

chant (6)

8 Back through corrosive

part of helmet (5)

9 Drink to French

dynasty (7)

10 Peculiar dialect in

place of refuge (7)

11 American hat race (5) 12 Subcontrac­t abroad

before spring (9)

17 Awfully pure English

coin (5)

19 Enthusiast has a look

for bison (7)

21 Confuse female oaf (7) 22 TV studio sign found in Barcelona ironmonger’s! (2,3)

23 Small measure given to gaffer for carving, that’s a relief (6)

24 Building extension where woman embraces former partner (6)


ACROSS: 1 Falsetto, 6 Boll, 8 Saluki, 9 Fading, 10 Mistakes, 13 Fail, 14 Nefarious, 17 Chic, 18 Kill time, 19 Relate, 21 Entail, 23 Chit, 24 Rashness. DOWN: 2 Arabic, 3 Sou, 4 Think tank, 5 Oaf, 6 By default, 7 Lentil, 11 Trenchant, 12 Stillness, 15 Thresh, 16 Emails, 20 Ear, 22 Tan.


1 Bolt, abscond (6)

4 Plant that yields

an aromatic oil (6)

8 ___ pole, tribal symbol (5) 9 All the people of

the world (7)

10 Principled (7)

11 Bundle of corn (5)

12 Rich, sweet baked item containing equal measure of all ingredient­s (5,4)

17 Edible entrails (5)

19 Congenial (7)

21 Yachting event (7)

22 Consignmen­t of goods

on a ship (5)

23 Sound pattern (6)

24 On the beach (6)


1 Instrument of French

immorality (6)

2 Italian dish to stir round

and round (7)

3 Daughters outside are

challenged! (5)

5 Apart, as beneath (7)

6 Prove wrong backing

this root (5)

7 Losing top of loudspeake­rs is irritating (6)

9 Where to vote for dance and Botox treatment! (6,3)

13 Vacuum flask,

nethermost part (7)

14 Flow out from mean

tea, stirred (7)

15 Pudding is something

unimportan­t (6)

16 Rough route,

reportedly (6)

18 Find depth of fruit, we

hear (5)

20 Individual following

fluid taken by air (5)


1 Scattered (around) (6) 2 Find out about something after it happened (5,2)

3 Impersonat­e (5)

5 Inability to

remember (7)

6 Derogatory in

a supercilio­us way (5) 7 Adapt (6)

9 Emotionall­y fraught

play or movie (9)

13 Release

(a door fastener) (7) 14 Stoppage of trade (7) 15 Fright (6)

16 Take back, cancel (6) 18 Misty (5)

20 Watch dials (5)


ACROSS: 1 Assassin, 6 Save, 8 Kick up, 9 Phrase, 10 Befriend, 13 Knob, 14 Accession, 17 Coin, 18 Yachting, 19 Romesh, 21 Velvet, 23 Afar, 24 Perverse. DOWN: 2 Spider, 3 Auk, 4 Supremely, 5 Nap, 6 Strikeout, 7 Vision, 11 Raconteur,

12 Dust cover, 15 Log off, 16 Unless, 20 Hip, 22 Lie.

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