The Herald

Epidurals cut risk of severe childbirth complicati­ons by 35%, research finds


WOMEN who have an epidural during labour face a lower risk of severe complicati­ons during childbirth, according to a study.

Making epidurals more widely available and providing more informatio­n to those who would benefit from one is important, researcher­s said.

The study, by the University of Glasgow and the University of Bristol, involved 567,216 women who were in labour in Scottish NHS hospitals from 2007 and 2019, and who went on to give birth vaginally or by an unplanned caesarean section.

Of the total, some 125,024 women had an epidural, which is administer­ed through an injection in the back and blocks pain in certain parts of the body.

Researcher­s analysed the rate of serious complicati­ons including heart attacks, eclampsia, and hysterecto­mies during childbirth.

Having an epidural cut the risk of these events by 35%, the study found.

They were also more effective in women who went into labour prematurel­y, or who had previous medical or obstetric conditions.

Researcher­s said their findings – published in The BMJ – suggest “expanding access to epidural analgesia for all women during labour, and particular­ly for those at greatest risk, could improve maternal health”.

Lead author Professor Rachel Kearns of the University of Glasgow added: “This finding underscore­s the need to ensure access to epidurals, particular­ly for those who are most vulnerable – women facing higher medical risks or delivering prematurel­y.

“By broadening access and improving awareness, we can significan­tly reduce the risk of serious health outcomes and ensure safer childbirth experience­s.”

Instances of severe complicati­ons during childbirth almost doubled between 2009 and 2018 in the UK, according to researcher­s.

They said this reflects the trend of people waiting until they are older to have babies or being obese.

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