The Herald

Bereaved families face ‘unbearable’ wait for decision on criminal charges over Grenfell fire


BEREAVED families and survivors face waiting until the end of 2026 for a decision on potential criminal charges over the Grenfell Tower fire, nearly 10 years after the deadly blaze.

The Metropolit­an Police said their investigat­ors need until the end of 2025 to finalise their inquiry, and prosecutor­s will then need a year to decide whether charges can be brought.

Grenfell United, the bereaved families and survivor group, said the wait, which could stretch to a decade after the catastroph­ic 2017 fire that killed 72 people, was “unbearable”.

A spokesman said: “Ten years until we see justice. Ten years until we see prosecutio­ns.

“This should be shocking for everyone but for us, we live our lives on hold while those responsibl­e walk free.

“We need to see the people who perpetrate­d Grenfell held to account and charged for their crimes. The wait is unbearable.”

The report from the second stage of the public inquiry into the fire is due to be published later this year.

Metropolit­an Police Deputy Assistant Commission­er Stuart Cundy told journalist­s yesterday that investigat­ors will need another year to 18 months after the publicatio­n to finalise their inquiry.

Senior investigat­ing officer Detective Superinten­dent Garry Moncrieff said investigat­ors will need to go through the report line by line to assess the impact on their probe.

Rosemary Ainslie, from the Crown Prosecutio­n Service (CPS), said prosecutor­s will need until the end of 2026 to make final decisions about any criminal charges.

The mammoth police investigat­ion into the fire has already generated 27,000 lines of inquiry and more than 12,000 witness statements. A total of 19 companies and organisati­ons are under investigat­ion for potential criminal offences, as are 58 individual­s.

More than 300 hours of interviews have taken place.

Potential offences under considerat­ion include corporate manslaught­er, gross negligence manslaught­er, perverting the course of justice, misconduct in public office, health and safety offences, fraud, and offences under the fire safety and building regulation­s.

So far, eight out of 20 files have been sent to the CPS for early investigat­ive advice that would be passed back to police, with a typical case file more than 500 pages long with 17,000 pages of evidence.

The current timeline would mean it would be nearly 10 years before anyone could appear in court over the Grenfell Tower blaze.

Up to the end of March this year, the Met has spent £107.3 million on the inquiry.

 ?? ?? Some 72 people died in the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire
Some 72 people died in the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire

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