The Herald

Health board must apologise after patient died from blood clot after surgery


A HEALTH board has been ordered to apologise to the family of a patient who died after developing a blood clot following knee surgery.

The 51-year-old ruptured the patella tendon of their left knee in a fall and underwent surgery to repair the tear at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

The patient was discharged the next day with a hinged knee brace and invited to attend a fracture clinic two weeks later.

A plan was made for the patient to progress gradually with the brace and a follow-up appointmen­t was arranged four weeks later.

The patient died suddenly at home the next day, however, and a probe was launched by the Scottish Fatalities Investigat­ion Unit to determine the cause of death.

The investigat­ion found the death was the result of pulmonary thromboemb­olism, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and the recent leg surgery.

A sibling of the deceased complained to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) that their relative was not appropriat­ely assessed and treated for blood clot risk.

In their complaint response, NHS Lothian said the patient’s blood clot risk was assessed and they were not prescribed blood-thinners as they had no high-risk features for blood clots.

A further investigat­ion carried out by the SPSO found the health board failed to complete a risk assessment for the patient developing a blood clot following their surgery.

An SPSO report, which identified the patient only as A, said: “In response to our inquiries, the board acknowledg­ed that there was no record of a risk assessment having been carried out.

“The board said a further investigat­ion by the service identified that A was in fact prescribed and administer­ed one dose of Dvt/anticoagul­ant medication.

“They apologised for the inaccurate informatio­n previously provided but provided no further evidence or documentat­ion in support of their position.”

The SPSO investigat­ion also found the board failed to note the patient’s body mass index as a risk factor and did not identify additional risk associated with anaesthesi­a time.

It further found NHS Lothian did not have a protocol in place to help prevent blood clots in veins in its orthopaedi­c department and failed to undertake a significan­t adverse event review for the unexpected death in line with national guidance.

In addition to the requiremen­t to apologise to the patient’s family, the SPSO has also ordered the board to properly assess the risk of patients undergoing surgery.

The board told the ombudsman it has begun drafting a protocol to help prevent blood clots in veins for the orthopaedi­c department.

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