The Herald

Swinney to set out revised tax strategy

- Andrew Learmonth

JOHN Swinney has promised to publish a revised tax strategy for Scots within weeks, as he told MSPS he wants to bring parties at Holyrood together “to make our country better”.

The First Minister set out his priorities for government after taking on the top job in Scottish politics earlier this month, saying “practical steps” will be taken in each of these areas.

He also announced the Programme for Government – in which ministers set out their plans for the coming year – will take place before Holyrood breaks for its summer recess at the end of June.

The statement is traditiona­lly made by the

First Minister when

Holyrood returns from recess in September.

Adding that work in his four priority areas – eradicatin­g child poverty, growing the economy, investing in green energy to help deliver net zero, and improving public services – is already under way, Mr Swinney said Holyrood will be given the chance to debate proposed action before the end of June.

Speaking in Holyrood yesterday, he said his Programme for Government will be “central to a wider range of decision-making that will happen before the summer on key issues on energy, on oil and gas, on reform of the health service, and on taxation”.

The First Minister said a “revised tax strategy” together with an updated infrastruc­ture investment plan will also be published, detailing “critical informatio­n on the challenges we face in the public finances and the actions this government is taking to address them”.

He stressed the country faces “significan­t financial challenges”.

The First Minister said Brexit and the “prolonged era of austerity” imposed by the Conservati­ves at Westminste­r are taking their toll on public finances. He warned MSPS that the “cumulative effect of the high inflation we have experience­d, austerity and Brexit” will all “have an effect on the priorities we can deliver”.

Meanwhile, with the SNP short of an overall majority at Holyrood, he said he will work with other parties to “tackle the challenges we face”, signalling his “willingnes­s to co-operate beyond the government with other parties to deliver for our people”.

Mr Swinney said: “I want my country to do well. I know that others in this Chamber, across all parties, want Scotland to do well too.

“I offer to bring Parliament together on a shared agenda to make our country better.”

The First Minister again made plain his overriding priority, saying he wants to “not tackle, not reduce, but eradicate child poverty”.

As part of this, and to also boost his second priority to grow the economy, he announced £16 million to help low-income families find employment.

He said the Scottish Government will expand its early adopter community projects which “deliver local childcare systems that support families with children, from nine months to the end of primary school”.

Announcing the funding, he said: “In modern Scotland, it should not be a struggle to find fair work or to raise a family.

“So, for me, and for my government, eradicatin­g child poverty and boosting economic growth go hand in hand.”

John Dickie, director of the Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland said Mr Swinney is “absolutely right” to make ending child poverty the “single most important objective” of his government.

However, the campaigner added: “The First Minister’s commitment must be backed by concrete policies and investment on a scale well beyond what we heard today.

“Investing in childcare is essential but we need to move rapidly from pilot projects to a childcare system that leaves no parent unable to take on a job or increase their hours.”

Scottish Conservati­ve leader Douglas Ross said the First Minister’s statement confirms he is the “ultimate continuity candidate”.

He added: “This is not a fresh start. It is more of the same promises the SNP will break.”

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar said the First Minister should “change the approach he has taken in the last 17 years which has left every Scottish institutio­n weaker than he found it”.

Patrick Harvie, Scottish Green co-leader , called on the First Minister to have the “courage” to “face down” those in the SNP who challenge progressiv­e climate action.

 ?? ?? John Swinney will publish the strategy ‘within weeks’
John Swinney will publish the strategy ‘within weeks’

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