The Herald




9 Person getting rid of vending

machine (9)

10 Come together during

emergency (5)

11 Boy friend, in a majestic way (7) 12 Cool men manufactur­ed

visual aid (7)

13 Light switches in fine store (3,2,4) 16 Rips eye secretions (5)

17 Woman given awful sensationa­l

novel (5,8)

20 Orchestra leader wants for each a dramatic musical performanc­e (5)

21 Chinos due to be reworked and

padded (9)

24 Beef, perhaps, is food for

communist? (3,4)

25 Strong informatio­n kept in

boat (7)

27 Look around university to find

surgical dressing (5)

28 Len’s worse off not belonging

to someone (9)


1 Puts up decoration­s, but leads to

commotion and rants, oddly (6)

2 Catch sight of English agent (4)

3 Home of German composer? (6) 4 Lay aside overturned contents?

Gosh! (1,3)

5 They play noisily, right inside

rotten tree stump (10)

6 Gave out wrong name

and date (8)

7 Pull a face, if keeping a nicer

sort of old container (7,3)

8 On the subject of letting

contract, free! (7)

14 Huge monster due to mutate (10) 15 Mark at home turning into

acid (10)

18 Teen Dane moved,

straighten­ed (8)

19 Mostly guarded about our

bravery (7)

22 Disregard ravaged region (6)

23 Hate first difficult English exam (6) No. 16,392 25 Enclosures for writers (4)

26 Farm females from new estate (4)


1 Peal (of thunder) (4)

4 Area where goods are

on display (8)

8 Urge strongly (6)

9 Narrow piece (6)

10 Plant with a trunk (4)

11 Container of goodies and

gifts (5,3)

13 Spicy relish for food

cooked outdoors (8,5)

16 Consistent, or without

a join (8)

19 Glacial lake (4)

20 Breakfast-table food

holder (3-3)

22 Take out of a spiral

position (6)

23 Hampered (8)

24 Dip (a biscuit) (4)


2 Wallow (9)

3 Adage (7)

4 Arrange (3,2)

5 Watch carefully (7)

6 ___ Night in Georgia,

song (5)

7 Be under an obligation (3)

12 Bellows-driven musical instrument (9) 14 Soft-soled shoe (7)

15 Heartburn remedy (7)

17 Chocolate/coffee mixture (5)

18 Strait (5)

21 Vegetable adhesive (3)

 ?? ?? Wednesday, 16th August, 2023
Wednesday, 16th August, 2023

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