The Herald

Murder accused visited funfair while teacher’s body was at home, court told


A MAN accused of murdering a retired Fettes College teacher suggested a trip to a funfair while the elderly man’s body was hidden under a bed, a court has heard.

Paul Black, 65, is accused of killing Peter Coshan, 75, in August 2022 as part of a catfishing plot with his flatmate to steal thousands of pounds.

Black is on trial at the High Court in Edinburgh and denies two charges – murder and defeating the ends of justice – after 16 additional charges were dropped by the prosecutio­n.

Paul Mcnaughton, 29, pleaded guilty last year to murdering Mr Coshan and perverting the course of justice.

Mcnaughton previously gave evidence blaming Black for suffocatin­g Mr Coshan, claiming his own role was luring his former lover Mr Coshan to a flat in Leith, Edinburgh, after creating a fake profile on dating app Gaydar, before the pair went on a spending spree with the victim’s cash.

Giving evidence yesterday, Black said he met Mcnaughton in 2014 when they worked in a gay bar and admitted he was “infatuated” but also “frightened” of the younger man, telling the court: “I treated him like a son.”

Black, a father-of-one, told the court he found out Mcnaughton was expecting a “meet-up” 20 minutes before Mr Coshan arrived and believed the elderly man was there to have sex via a hook-up app.

Giving evidence, he said: “I went into the sitting room and had my telly on. He went into the bedroom. I don’t know what happened, I think they were just in there talking. I had my telly on and didn’t want to get involved in that kind of thing.

“I thought he was going to have sex with the man. Paul’s known for that. I knew he liked to go out and have a bit of fun.”

Black said he believed Mr Coshan had left, but went into the bedroom and saw the elderly man “face down”, and said he checked his pulse.

He said: “I heard the front door shut and thought he was away. He was lying on top of the bed face down, in the bedroom. I knew something had happened as Paul was sitting beside the bed, agitated. Shaking with fear. He says, ‘I have to get out of here and go up to his house and you have to go with me’. He says, ‘I’ve killed him’.”

Black claimed he wanted to call emergency services but Mcnaughton told him not to and the pair went for a walk around Edinburgh, including going to Mr Coshan’s house, and also Mcdonald’s to eat chips.

Mr Coshan’s body was hidden under the bed while the pair went on a trip to a funfair in Burntislan­d, Fife, which Black admitted he suggested, the court heard.

Black insisted he did not benefit financiall­y although he changed euros worth £5,000 the next day, and said he was “scared” and “traumatise­d”, the court heard.

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