The Herald

Mordaunt: SNP in its final death throes


IT IS clear to everyone that the SNP is in its “final death throes”, Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt has claimed, as she urged the party to prepare for a Unionist government in Scotland.

Meanwhile, the SNP’S leader at Westminste­r, Deirdre Brock, called on Ms Mordaunt to distance herself from Rishi Sunak’s “offensive outburst” earlier this week in which, she claimed, the Prime Minister had associated the Scottish Government with extremists.

In response, Ms Mordaunt jibed that Ms Brock could fill in one of Police Scotland’s hate crime reporting forms.

On Monday, Mr Sunak said Scottish nationalis­ts are “trying to tear our United Kingdom apart” in a speech, and he has since denied the SNP’S accusation­s about his comments that listed dangers facing the country.

At business questions yesterday, Ms Brock said: “Can we have a debate in government time on the careful use of words in politics?

“The Prime Minister has refused to apologise for his offensive outburst on Monday; he quite deliberate­ly associated the Scottish Government with Hamas terrorists, North Korea and the Iranian Revolution­ary Guard.

“The good folk of Edinburgh North and Leith [Brock’s constituen­cy] have elected a dangerous extremist – who knew? And the vast majority of MPS from Scotland who also want independen­ce – them too. ”

After saying Ms Brock “does not keep me awake at night”, Ms Mordaunt finished with an allusion to Greek mythology by adding: “It is very clear to everyone except the SNP that their party is in their final death throes. I predict that the tragic finale of that, when the SNP finally do completely implode and meet their end, is that there will still be no ferry to carry them across the Styx.”

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