The Herald

Edinburgh may commit to carbon neutral goal by 2037


5 years ago

COUNCILLOR­S are to consider plans which would commit Edinburgh to becoming a carbon neutral city by 2037. Members of Edinburgh City Council will debate the proposals today. The Sustainabi­lity Approach report outlines a three-step delivery plan for the capital to work towards achieving a net zero carbon target by 2030, but with a hard target of meeting this by 2037. The local authority is currently on course to meet a target to reduce carbon emissions by 42% by 2020. In the report, it is indicated that if the new proposals are agreed to, the council would work as a matter of urgency with partners to secure a formal agreement, acknowledg­ing the need for a city-wide effort to meet targets.

10 years ago

SCIENTISTS say they have worked out a way to join up damaged nerves using a “sonic screwdrive­r”. The researcher­s, at Glasgow University, say the Dr Who-like device, called a heptagon acoustic tweezer, allows them to tweak the cells in nerve tissue. Previous methods of so-called “cell patterning” have been found to be either inflexible, limited or too expensive and timeconsum­ing. But the university team, involving a range of researcher­s from engineerin­g to biology, say they have discovered a novel, electronic­ally controlled method for generating dynamic cell patterns using a device based on acoustic force for spatial manipulati­on of cells and particles – “a specific kind of sonic screwdrive­r”.

25 years ago

SCOTLAND’S First Minister Donald Dewar is poised to freeze tolls on the Skye road bridge. The move for the duration of the present contract will be made whether or not Labour strike an agreement with the Liberal Democrats. There was speculatio­n in the Highlands and Islands yesterday that the Liberal Democrats had demanded in their coalition negotiatio­ns that the tolls on the Skye bridge be suspended pending an inquiry. One Lib Dem source said: “We went into the negotiatio­ns with our manifesto below our arm, and in that manifesto is a commitment to abolition of the tolls.”

50 years ago

THE Rabies Bill, to strengthen rabies controls in England, Scotland, and Wales, was given an unopposed second reading yesterday in the House of Lords. Lord Strabolgi, for the government, said it was the same as the bill which fell in the last parliament because of the General Election. He said the period of quarantine would certainly not be relaxed. The government were considerin­g methods by which to educate the public on the seriousnes­s of trying to smuggle animals through customs without quarantine. It appeared that foxes would be the culprits in carrying rabies, but the government would use gin traps with the greatest reluctance.

100 years ago

A LETTER from Miss Jane SR Thomson, Kilmardinn­y, Bearsden, to the general manager of the Tramways Department, suggested that the desirabili­ty of acquiring Kilmardinn­y estate as an outlet and resort for residenter­s on the north side of the city. The estate has natural advantages, including a loch several acres. The transferen­ce of ground at Knightswoo­d Farm and west of Corkerhill Road on the Cardonald lands for the erection of Episcopal churches is recommende­d by the Housing Committee, who also advise that the bowling greens proposed to be laid out on the Moss

Park scheme be formed on the ground adjoining that reserved for tennis courts.

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