The Herald

Events security is opportunit­y for former police emergencie­s expert


AS the Tartan Army’s football fans look forward to kick-off in Euro 2024 in Germany, a Scottish CEO has revealed how his own gameplan for providing security for events across the globe has helped grow one of the nation’s most innovative businesses.

Speaking as a guest on the Go Radio Business Show With Hunter & Haughey,

Ian Kerr explained how his 10-year career with Police Scotland within Emergencie­s and Counter Terrorist planning shaped his own entreprene­urial journey with Raven Controls. The business provides Cloudbased software for event operations and safety.

“Scotland, and Glasgow in particular, has been an amazing place for major events and continues to be. This really opened my eyes up to the fact there was a reliance on the blue light services to deliver this side of the event operations,” said Ian. “I saw there was an opportunit­y from a consultanc­y to go in and help events look at their key risks that are not just focused on the blue light issues. I started to think there was an opportunit­y outwith the police here for me that would satisfy my urge to have my own business.”

He also shared his plans for expanding the company, commenting: “We’re really focused on North America right now and have some very exciting opportunit­ies.

“We’ve also worked with the likes of University of West of Scotland with our knowledge transfer partnershi­p. So we’ve been working on Artificial Intelligen­ce within our products over the past two years as well.

“Now we’re at the point where we’re looking to raise the next round of funding and really put the foot on the gas and step up our commercial delivery.”

Asked by Sir Tom Hunter if he had any advice for budding entreprene­urs, he said: “One of the things I found helpful at the outset is making best use of the networks available in Scotland and the wider environmen­t. Really engage, throw yourself into networking – it’s so helpful.

“Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Edge have been hugely beneficial to my organisati­on and part of our growth.”

 ?? Picture: Robert Perry ?? CEO Ian Kerr
Picture: Robert Perry CEO Ian Kerr

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