The Guardian

Postecoglo­u tells Spurs silverware equals success

- Jacob Steinberg

Ange Postecoglo­u has urged Tottenham to embrace the challenge of trying to end their long trophy drought and said he is happy to be regarded as a failure if he does not win anything this season.

The Australian was in a defiant mood before visiting Coventry in the third round of the Carabao Cup tonight and is determined to maintain his record of lifting silverware in his second year in a job.

Spurs’ most recent trophy was the League Cup in 2008 and Postecoglo­u wants the club to adopt a fearless mindset in pursuit of glory.

“It’s why I came here,” the former Celtic manager said. “I came here to try to win things. I think that should be our measure and if we fall short of that then we’ve fallen short and we need to be better. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with embracing that.

“It’s just the way I’m wired, I think it’s the way forward and you need to embrace that if you want to become a successful club and not shy away from it. If I said: ‘This is going to take three or four years,’ then yeah it would relieve pressure. But I don’t want to wait three or four years. This year’s an opportunit­y.”

Postecoglo­u, who has made an inconsiste­nt start to his second season, insisted he had no problem with being judged a failure if Spurs end up empty-handed again.

“I’m willing to be measured against that – that means that I’m fair game. I’m happy to be judged against that standard because that’s my standard, that’s what I’ve done in the past and I don’t want to dilute that. I have no problems with people using that as a yardstick … I don’t think there’s anything limiting this club having success,” he said. “I really don’t believe that. That’s why I’m here.”

 ?? ?? ▲ Ange Postecoglo­u is embracing the challenge of pushing for trophies
▲ Ange Postecoglo­u is embracing the challenge of pushing for trophies

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