The Guardian

‘Butterfly emergency’ as survey shows numbers at a record low

- Patrick Barkham

A national “butterfly emergency” has been declared by Butterfly Conservati­on after the lowest Big Butterfly Count since records began.

An average of just seven butterflie­s per 15-minute count were recorded by participan­ts in this summer’s butterfly count, the lowest in the survey’s 14-year history.

It was the worst year on record for once-ubiquitous species including the common blue, small tortoisesh­ell, small white and green-veined white. Eight out of the 10 most-seen species have declined – in many cases dramatical­ly – over the count’s history. Previous lowest-ever numbers of butterflie­s-per-count were logged in 2022, 2021 and 2020.

Butterfly Conservati­on is calling for the government to declare a “nature emergency” and ban insect-killing neonicotin­oid pesticides, with no exceptions.

Britain and the EU banned neonicotin­oids in 2018 but the UK government has authorised an exemption for the pesticides to be used on sugar beet every year since 2021. Before the election, Labour promised to ban all neonicotin­oids.

Richard Fox, the head of science at Butterfly Conservati­on, said: “The previous lowest average number of butterflie­s per count was nine in 2022, this latest figure is 22% lower than that, which is very disturbing.

“Not just that, but a third of the species recorded in the Big Butterfly Count have had their worst year on record, and no species had their best. The results are in line with wider evidence that the summer of 2024 has been very poor for butterflie­s.

“Butterflie­s are a key indicator species; when they are in trouble we know that the wider environmen­t is in trouble too. Nature is sounding the alarm call.”

Though the gatekeeper was the most-seen butterfly in the 2024 count, over the 14 years of recording, numbers have fallen 32%. There have been similar declines for other species including the small white (down 19% over 14 years), peacock (down 30%) and green-veined white (down 65%). The only butterfly to do significan­tly better than 2023 was the ringlet, whose caterpilla­rs feed on grass and benefits from damper years.

The Department for Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs said; “We are committed to deliver for nature and will change existing policies, including banning the use of those neonicotin­oid pesticides that threaten vital pollinator­s.”

 ?? ?? The ringlet was the only species to improve over last year it is still down 47% over 14 years
The ringlet was the only species to improve over last year it is still down 47% over 14 years
 ?? ?? The gatekeeper was the mostseen butterfly of 2024, but its numbers have fallen by 32%
The gatekeeper was the mostseen butterfly of 2024, but its numbers have fallen by 32%
 ?? ?? Like many common butterflie­s, the small tortoisesh­ell had its worst year on record
Like many common butterflie­s, the small tortoisesh­ell had its worst year on record
 ?? ?? Peacock butterflie­s are down 30% over 14 years
Peacock butterflie­s are down 30% over 14 years
 ?? ?? Numbers of small whites, one of the most seen species, declined
Numbers of small whites, one of the most seen species, declined
 ?? ?? Numbers of the once ubiquitous common blue have dwindled dramatical­ly
Numbers of the once ubiquitous common blue have dwindled dramatical­ly

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