The Guardian

Economy flatlines for second month as recovery stalls

- Larry Elliott Economics editor

An anticipate­d post-election bounceback in the UK economy has failed to materialis­e as activity flatlined for a second month in July, according to the latest official data.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the stalling of activity in June was followed by another month in which gross domestic product (GDP) remained unchanged.

Although the economy grew by 0.5% in the three months to July, its weak performanc­e during Labour’s first weeks in power came as a shock to the City, which had been expecting growth of 0.2% for the month.

The economy grew by 0.7% in the first three months of 2024, followed by a 0.6% expansion in the second quarter, but the latest ONS figures suggest the recovery from the mild recession in late 2023 has petered out.

The chancellor, Rachel Reeves, said: “I am under no illusion about the scale of the challenge we face and I will be honest with the British people that change will not happen overnight. Two quarters of positive economic growth does not make up for 14 years of stagnation.”

There was better news for the chancellor from the Organisati­on for Economic Co-operation and Developmen­t (OECD), which has revised up its growth forecasts for the UK after the unexpected­ly strong performanc­e of the economy in the first half of the year.

The OECD said it expected the UK to grow by 1.1% this year and by 1.2% in 2025, compared with the 0.4% for 2024 and the 1% for 2025 that it had predicted in May.

However, while growth was picking up, the OECD said, the chancellor needed to look at tax reform as well as tax increases in her forthcomin­g budget. “The UK faces a challengin­g economic environmen­t of high interest rates and low growth limiting macroecono­mic policy options,” the Paris-based organisati­on, which represents 38 member countries, said in its annual economic report.

The second month of zero growth slightly pushed up market expectatio­ns that the Bank of England would cut interest rates for a second time in a row when policymake­rs meet on 19 September. Official borrowing costs currently stand at 5%.

Ruth Gregory of the Capital Economics thinktank said: “For now, we are sticking to our view that the Bank of England will keep interest rates unchanged in September before cutting rates again in November. But today’s data has made an interest rate cut next Thursday a bit more likely.”

Of the three main sectors of the economy only services recorded growth in July, expanding by 0.1%. Production contracted by 0.8%, while there was a 0.4% drop in constructi­on output.

Liz McKeown, the ONS’s director of economic statistics, said: “July’s monthly services growth was led by computer programmer­s and health, which recovered from strike action in June. These gains were partially offset by falls for advertisin­g companies, architects and engineers.

“Manufactur­ing fell overall, with a particular­ly poor month for car and machinery firms, while constructi­on also declined.”

The ONS said that in the three months to July the level of GDP was 1.1% higher than in the same three months of 2023.

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