The Great Outdoors (UK)


Look out for the bright colours of the rainbow flag on your treks as the Gay Outdoor Club celebrates 50 years. David Millar, Group Coordinato­r for History & Culture, describes the journey


THE UK’S LARGEST outdoor activity group for LGBTQ+ people, the Gay Outdoor Club (GOC), celebrates 2024 with special pride as we mark the milestone of 50 years of walking, socialisin­g and having fun with friends! With over 1500 members, there’ll be a few of us climbing your local highest peak, gathering in some hard-to-fathom forest car park and, eventually, grabbing large tables in the village local.

Time was when our most inspiring scenery was reminiscen­t not of sun-drenched memories, but of barbed wire. Closed. Private. Keep Out. But not any longer. Today, National Parks and AONBs boast trails galore. From the Coast-to-Coast to the 625-mile Monarch’s Way, all lead to that unforgetta­ble pint and feeling of satisfacti­on a er a good day’s hike. Where we are going to and who we are with is no-one else’s business – although friendly questions on the Cotswold Way are never refused!


All outdoors walkers, and our community in particular, were denied choice – the right to roam – for much of the 20th Century.

en came the power of the 1932 Kinder Scout Mass Trespass, which led to the establishm­ent of the Ramblers Associatio­n in 1935. e Peak District may have become Britain’s rst National Park in 1951, but that decade unfortunat­ely saw nearly 2000 gay men imprisoned for simply loving someone of the same sex.

Roll forward to 1974 and a few London University students, inspired by Eryri/Snowdonia’s heights (and the Gay Liberation Front), were thinking big by starting small. From Soho, via Regent’s Park, to Primrose Hill, that rst group walk marked the beginning of a journey that shows no signs of ending. e club has plans for a re-enactment of that historic walk this summer.

Now, the GOC hosts over 500 annual events, celebratin­g

freedoms as the 11am walk meeting time arrives and leaders check their phones, wondering if everyone is able to nd the rendezvous point, angled, as usual, out of sight on an ambiguous bend! From Kinver Edge to the Forest of Dean, getting up on time, setting the satnavs, checking what3words, and someone’s ‘recce’ beforehand are the things that make the GOC.


Described as ‘a mobile cocktail party’ over six or more miles, there’s tness, old friends and new faces. All are planning weekends away, family get-togethers or comparing the cost of weatherpro­ofs – or perhaps even ights to Gran Canaria.

(Yes, the GOC hosts events abroad, too!)

Could those class of ’74 students have envisaged campus take-overs at our Annual Outdoor Gatherings with discos, quizzes and AGMs at Stirling, Canterbury, Telford, and, this year, Northampto­n? People join the GOC at all stages of their LGBTQ+ journey. ey might be just ‘out’, wanting a change of scene, or simply su ering too much screen time. ere is much advice and mentoring available, and many newcomers progress to being event leaders who relish the opportunit­y to create new and stimulatin­g walks within the groups’ capabiliti­es – no nasty surprises here!

ey unleash sheer ingenuity and well-executed Plan Bs for when the unexpected happens – such as the occasion when the mighty

Severn again burst its banks right by our planned lunch stop. Minehead, for example, o ered a weekend away in well-priced

Valleynd accommodat­ion during which we explored the stunning of Rocks section of the South West Coast Path, enjoyed a Saturday night harboursid­e meal, and walked the Tarr Steps on Sunday.

e marina setting of Portishead obliged with linear walks to Clevedon via bus, the nearby Cli on Gorge and trailing a blaze through Bristol’s Sunday café scene.

Looking forward, events in North Wales, the UK’s Iron Age hill forts, and Herefordsh­ire’s County of a Hundred Castles are soon to be listed – and we’re waiting to welcome you.

Elsewhere, YHA weekends and camping breaks are the draw.


Now, each February, an LGBT History Month walk across blue-plaqued London reminds us of our origins. Pubs and tea shops are opportunit­ies to chew the fat, plan the next ‘big one’ – maybe Majorca, or coastal paths and a National Trust visit?

As volunteers, and a registered charity, we try to ensure every event happens – even in a torrential downpour at the Cotswolds’ Seven Springs. A dozen members were on time, but airy views of Cheltenham? No. Views aside, it was a great test of one’s kit and staying power, and an opportunit­y to learn the art of unpeeling wet trousers in the car a aferwards. Never were a refreshing bevvy and a late Sunday roast more welcome.

As for the next 50 years? More diversity, use of public transport, urban exploratio­ns and up-and-coming leaders with di erent ideas. There'll be even more hi-tech aids to buy and more specialist activities for all tastes – although Strictly hasn’t yet been in touch!

■ To learn more about the Gay Outdoor Club and sign up for an event today visit

 ?? Views to Cardigan Bay ??
Views to Cardigan Bay
 ?? ?? On route to see the Falls of Leny outside Callander
On route to see the Falls of Leny outside Callander
 ?? ?? In the North Downs
In the North Downs
 ?? ?? Members of GOC Essex and London on the Essex Way
Members of GOC Essex and London on the Essex Way
 ?? ??

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