The Great Outdoors (UK)

Granite Gear


The Blaze has been in Granite Gear’s range for many years. I reviewed an early model in 2015. Back then I liked the suspension system but not the poor access as the only way into the narrow main compartmen­t was at the top. I’m pleased to say the latest version still has an excellent back system but now has a side zip for access to the contents without having to open the top, and a buckled lid instead of a long rollover top. The changes have added 100 grams to the weight but I think they’re well worth it.

The new Blaze 60 has an easily adjustable shoulder harness that locks into the framesheet. The padded sections of the hip belt can also be adjusted in length. The hip belt and shoulder straps are well-padded. Granite Gear says the pack will carry up to 22.7 kg and I think that’s about right.

The pack has a long stretch pocket on the front, which is great for a wet tent or wet waterproof­s. The side pockets aren’t stretchy, but they are roomy and have stretch drawcord closures. The lid pocket is roomy too and the lid can be detached. The straps are long enough that it can be raised high enough to carry a foam pad under it. Without the lid the pack closes with a drawcord and a strap and buckle.

The long zip at the side of the front pocket is useful for accessing contents that aren’t at the top of the pack. I found myself using this a great deal.

There are three compressio­n straps on the front of the pack and three on each side, so the pack can easily be compressed around the load to stop it shifting around or reduced in size for use as a daypack.

The Blaze is a lightweigh­t, functional pack. I like it a great deal. It is quite expensive though.

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