The Great Outdoors (UK)

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Cat Bells is a controvers­ial fell.

When we shared a photo of its views down to Derwent Water and over to Skiddaw on our social media feeds, it became clear that many either love its accessible views or loathe its well-trodden paths. So we asked you for your favourite and least liked Lakeland fells. Here’s what you said...

Mike Thompson

(Mike Thompson/Facebook)

“It depends on your definition of fell. If you stick to the 214 [Wainwright­s] then Armboth Fell is a shocker and Pavey Ark is my favourite via Jack’s Rake. If you include the Outlying Fells and the Birketts, there are some really rubbish ones. Carron Crag springs to mind, being entirely covered in dense conifers so absolutely no views at any point including the trig. Pointless hill!”

John Beamson


“There’s no such thing as the worst fell or peak – just the individual mindset that takes them on.”

Andrew James Galloway


“There are far worse fells in the Lake District and beyond. Mungrisdal­e Common, anyone?”

Craig-Fin (@craig_fin_/Instagram)

“My favourite is either Great

Gable or Pillar – but it’s a hard one to decide.”

John Hathway


“Cat Bells boasts one of the best views in the UK.”

Nevermore Hiker


“My least favourite is Bleaberry Fell / High Seat – the bog between them is horrible. The Old Man is a favourite. Once you’re up, you have so much more to explore. Over to Down Crag, across the ridge to Brim Fell and beyond, the views are incredible.” Stew Hume (

”Cat Bells was my first Lakeland fell so it still holds a special place for that reason. It’s overwhelmi­ngly well-trodden, though.”

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