The Great Outdoors (UK)



Down is a brilliant insulator, with one aw – it loses warmth when wet, restrictin­g its usefulness in bad British conditions. But with water-resistant Nikwax Hydrophobi­c Down, you can use this wonder-material with much more con dence.

DOWN IS NATURE’S miracle insulator. It’s the best naturally occurring material for keeping you warm. But what is down?

It’s the light, u y coating found beneath the feathers of ducks and geese, almost like a three-dimensiona­l cluster of so laments. is material can be collected and used in outdoor jackets and sleeping bags, keeping adventurer­s warm in even the harshest of environmen­ts.

Huge amounts of technology and money have been poured into developing synthetic insulation that can rival down’s performanc­e, but human endeavours have yet to surpass Mother Nature’s expertise. Despite brands spending millions, down still provides the best warmth-to-weight ratio out there. is means hikers and mountainee­rs can get the best of both worlds – lightweigh­t products with excellent insulation. But there is one downside (pun intended).

In sustained wet conditions, down loses some of its insulating properties – it clumps together, gets heavy and doesn’t retain heat as e ciently. is can be particular­ly problemati­c in the volatile climate of these islands. But there is a solution to this problem. By applying a special coating to down insulation, Mother Nature’s blueprint can be improved upon. Ten years ago, the waterproo ng bo ns at Nikwax launched their rst ‘water-resistant’ down: Nikwax Hydrophobi­c Down (NHD). It has since been upgraded to NHD+, which is claimed to be 250 times more water-resistant than normal down.

Since then, they have continued to innovate and push the

boundaries of performanc­e, creating the lightest, most thermally e cient and water-resistant down ever. It’s still not totally waterproof, but the extra water resistance it provides means you can use products utilising it with extra con dence and versatilit­y. On my Warnscale bothy trip, I wore the Rab Microlight Alpine down jacket (made with NHD Recycled) in drizzle and spitting rain knowing that its performanc­e would not be massively impaired. e prospect of getting a down sleeping bag wet can also be a source of anxiety, but it’s less so now with hydrophobi­c down; I used the erm-a-Rest Hyperion sleeping bag in the bothy.

Here are the full details – and ve reasons why you should look out for Nikwax Hydrophobi­c Down in your next purchase...


Well-known in the outdoor industry for its expertise and innovation in the eld of waterproo ng, Nikwax introduced its rst downbased product in 2013 with the launch of the original Nikwax Hydrophobi­c Down (NHD). With a DWR (durable water-repellent) treatment, this down was a game-changer: it dried quicker, absorbed less water, repelled water for longer, and retained its ‘lo ’ ( u ness) better when damp. is meant hikers stayed warmer, drier and com er, for longer, in their down products.


Building on the success of the original NHD, in 2020 Nikwax released an upgraded version known as NHD+. e plus here signi es the improved performanc­e of the insulation, with NHD+ achieving incredible stats: it’s up to 250 times more water-resistant than standard down, and is the rst and only hydrophobi­c down to exceed 10,000 minutes of continuous shake time (that’s a lab test

equivalent to a full week of constant exposure to water). e result is that Nikwax has the raw data to market NHD+ as “the world’s best performing hydrophobi­c down”.


Nikwax never uses harmful uorocarbon (PFC) chemistry in its treatments, which means all of its products have good eco credential­s. But for an even higher standard, Nikwax released NHD Recycled in 2020. Created for brand partner Rab, who wanted to give its customers a high-performanc­e down product with rst-rate sustainabi­lity, NHD Recycled is the rst recycled down to achieve a 1000-minute hydrophobi­c shake time. By comparison, standard down lasts a maximum of a 20-minute shake time, whilst to be considered hydrophobi­c a treated down material must reach a minimum of just 40 minutes shake time.


If you’ve invested in an expensive jacket or sleeping bag, you’ll naturally want it to last for a long time. e good news is that Nikwax a ercare products have been e ectively cleaning and proo ng down gear for over 25 years. Nikwax Down Wash.Direct is the technical cleaner you’ll need. It revitalise­s the durable water repellent (DWR) and insulating properties of hydrophobi­c down, without damaging its delicate structure. Next, you’ll need Nikwax Down Proof, a speciality waterproof­er that protects and improves the natural insulating properties of down- lled gear from wet and damp conditions. is duo of care products can be used on regular down, as well as NHD, NHD+ and NHD Recycled.


It’s important to remember that NHD products are not completely waterproof and are not designed to be used alone in sustained wet conditions. A er all, you wouldn’t wear a down jacket in all-day downpours without putting a hard shell over it, and you wouldn’t bivvy in a sleeping bag on a rainy hillside without a waterproof bivvy bag protecting it. But NHD products do enable adventurer­s to use down products in more diverse scenarios, whether that’s higher climbs, longer treks or more extreme environmen­ts.

is is because the lo , insulation and breathabil­ity of the down will perform better in wetter, colder and harsher places, thus extending the boundaries of its use.

 ?? ?? Fooling around on the summit of Haystacks
Fooling around on the summit of Haystacks
 ?? ?? Bracing for wet weather high in the Buttermere fells
Bracing for wet weather high in the Buttermere fells
 ?? ??

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