The Gazette (Scotland)

Iain Nicolson



RENFREWSHI­RE Council would like to hear what you have to say about our events programme.

Currently, our programme features a variety of events each year, including Renfrew Gala Day, Barshaw Gala Day, Sma’ Shot Day, Paisley Hallowe’en Festival, Renfrew Pipe Band Competitio­n, Paisley Food & Drink Festival and the Christmas lights switch-ons in Paisley, Renfrew and Johnstone.

We want to hear from you about the events you attended, which ones you value most and which ones are important to you.

With increased costs and less overall budget and resources, we want to hear what you think the priorities should be for events.

Your views will be used to shape our events programme in 2025 and beyond, making sure it continues to deliver benefits for our communitie­s and businesses.

The survey takes a few minutes to complete and will help us know what events are important to you.

I would encourage everyone who lives, works and visits Renfrewshi­re to take part in the survey and give us their views.

To have your say, search for ‘events strategy consultati­on’ on the council’s website. The survey closes on Monday, September 23.

We are also looking for your views on our new Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) for 2025 to 2030.

The draft plan sets out our key investment priorities for new-build affordable housing.

It will also be used by the Scottish Government when it is allocating grant funding to local authoritie­s through its Affordable Housing Supply programme.

To read the document, search for ‘Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2025 to 2030’ on the council’s website. You can then send an email to strategyan­dplace@renfrewshi­re. with your feedback.

Your comments and feedback will be used to shape and finalise the new SHIP plan.

The closing date for this consultati­on is Wednesday, September 18.

Regenerati­on and supporting our communitie­s to help them thrive is important to my SNP administra­tion.

With increased costs and less overall budget and resources, we want to hear what you think the priorities should be for events

I was pleased to see the Scottish Housing Minister, Paul McLennan MSP, visit residents at our new housing project in Ferguslie Park, Paisley, recently to mark a milestone in the developmen­t’s completion.

It has been built by the council and AS Homes as part of our regenerati­on of Ferguslie Park, with funding support from the Scottish Government’s affordable housing programme.

It includes 101 modern, new-build, energy-efficient homes and our team has worked hard to ensure these not only meet the needs of residents but also maintain the community feel of the Tannahill area.

We worked closely with residents in Ferguslie Park on this and I am delighted they are pleased with the final results.

As well as the Tannahill developmen­t, we are also working on our £100million housing regenerati­on and renewal programme, which will transform the quality of housing and the areas around them in eight locations in Paisley, Johnstone and Renfrew over the next decade.

Both of these projects are very important to the council and we will continue to work with our communitie­s to transform these areas and other parts of Renfrewshi­re in the future.

 ?? ?? The Paisley Hallowe’en Festival attracts thousands of visitors from across Renfrewshi­re and beyond, bringing a welcome boost for local businesses
The Paisley Hallowe’en Festival attracts thousands of visitors from across Renfrewshi­re and beyond, bringing a welcome boost for local businesses
 ?? ?? Councillor Marie McGurk, council tenant Sarah Lappin and Paul McLennan
Councillor Marie McGurk, council tenant Sarah Lappin and Paul McLennan

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