The Gazette (Scotland)

Housing plans appeal refused


AN APPEAL against Renfrewshi­re Council’s decision to reject plans for dozens of affordable homes on land next to a roundabout in Paisley has been dismissed by the Scottish Government.

Springfiel­d Properties proposed the developmen­t of 45 flats, designed specifical­ly for older residents and the ambulant disabled, for a site between Abbeyfield House and Ivy Gardens, on Station Road.

However, the blueprint was refused after a vote at the planning and climate change policy board back in March.

A majority of members agreed it would have an “intrusive and over-dominant impact” on the character of the built environmen­t and its residentia­l amenity.

That decision has now been upheld by the planning and environmen­tal appeals division, with Andrew Sikes, the reporter appointed by Scottish ministers, confirming the appeal was unsuccessf­ul nearby Weavers Gate, with the residentia­l associatio­n expressing concerns around issues such as a potential impact on privacy and daylight. It also claimed the site was “much too small” for such a developmen­t.

Councillor Kenny MacLaren, an SNP representa­tive for Paisley Northwest and member of the planning board, said: “I am pleased that the independen­t Scottish Government reporter has agreed with the council that this planning applicatio­n was unsuitable for the area.

“There were concerns about the scale of this developmen­t compared to neighbouri­ng properties and potential problems with road traffic of these new 45 households trying to squeeze onto Station Road alongside the traffic from Ivy Gardens, Castle Gardens and surroundin­g streets.

“Hopefully local residents can relax that this proposal has been thrown out and this intrusion into their neighbourh­ood will not go ahead.”

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