The Gazette (Scotland)

Event to seek views on school designs


THE second of two public events organised to capture views on the designs for another school to cater for Dargavel Village will be held this week.

Renfrewshi­re Council has reminded members of the Bishopton community about the session, which will be held at the existing primary school, in Arrochar Drive, from 6pm to 9pm on Thursday, September 12.

It comes as the local authority continues its planning for the additional facility, which will be built on vacant land near the north end of Craigton Drive and is aimed at meeting growing demand from the housing developmen­t.

Gerry Lyons, interim head of education, told residents: “The event is your chance to see the latest version of the designs produced by our architects, meet the team behind the project and give us your feedback.

“It will be on Thursday, September 12, at Dargavel Primary School, from 6pm until 9pm. The event is free to attend and no booking is needed, just drop in.

“Thank you to everyone who came along to the first event last month.

“We got some really useful feedback on the night, which will all be considered as the designs develop.

“The new school will be built on vacant land near the north end of Craigton Drive, to help accommodat­e the extra pupils expected as the developmen­t grows in the years ahead.”

The new school, which will have capacity for 800 pupils, is scheduled to open by August 2027.

It was required after historic errors saw the existing school, which opened in January 2022, built far smaller than it needed to be.

Once the full planning applicatio­n is submitted later this year, there will be more formal consultati­on with the relevant bodies and an opportunit­y for residents to make representa­tions.

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