The Gazette (Scotland)

Leading retailer hopes to open at Crosslee site

- By Jack Thomson

PLANS to open a Sainsbury’s Local store in Houston have been lodged with Renfrewshi­re Council.

If the applicatio­n is approved, the new store would be located in Crosslee Crescent and would mean changes to the shopping parade’s current layout.

The proposals, submitted by the company’s agent Alder King Planning Consultant­s, would see three of the existing units turned into one, with changes made to the shopfront to allow for new windows, doors and an automated teller machine (ATM) where people could withdraw cash.

In a cover letter sent to the council, James Tarpy, town planner at Alder King, explained: “The applicatio­n seeks planning permission for works to facilitate the amalgamati­on of three of the units on Crosslee Crescent into one unit.

“The units are currently in use as a convenienc­e store, takeaway and dry cleaner.

“The proposal seeks to create a larger, class 1a convenienc­e store for occupation by Sainsbury’s Local. Changes to the building’s frontage elevation are required for new windows, doors and an ATM.

“Planning permission is also sought for the erection of a single-storey extension to the rear of the building to provide additional storage space for the combined retail unit.

“At the rear of the building will also be an external plant area containing the equipment necessary for the operation of the larger store.

“Advertisem­ent consent is sought for the new signage which will be erected on the unit and within the car park.

“This will comprise a new fascia sign, projecting sign, ATM sign and totems within the car park.”

The end unit would not be changed as part of the applicatio­n, remaining in operation as a hot-food takeaway, the letter states.

Councillor­s will make a decision on the applicatio­n at a later date.

 ?? ?? Big changes are planned at this row of shops in Crosslee Crescent
Big changes are planned at this row of shops in Crosslee Crescent

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