The Gazette (Scotland)

Apply for childcare


PARENTS and carers with a child turning three on or before February 28 are being encouraged to apply for a nursery or childcare place.

Applicatio­ns can be made online or by downloadin­g a form at Renfrewshi­re Council’s website.

All three and four-yearolds are entitled to up to 1,140 hours of free childcare at any council nursery or funded private nurseries and childminde­rs approved by the local authority.

Parents and carers have the option of term-time placements or spreading the hours across the whole year.

Applicatio­ns should be submitted by the end of January, with parents and carers getting confirmati­on of their places in May. Places will start in August. Anyone with a child who will turn two soon and is eligible for a free early learning and childcare place should also apply for nursery or childmindi­ng.

Eligibilit­y criteria can be seen on the council’s website.

After places are confirmed, parents and carers can also talk to their nursery or childminde­r about buying additional hours – also known as wraparound. These will be dependent on capacity.

Councillor Emma Rodden, education and children’s services convener, said: “Children learn so much by socialisin­g with their peers while at nursery or childcare.

“Early learning and childcare supports children to develop socially, emotionall­y, physically and cognitivel­y and helps them have the best start in life.

“Staff help children lead their own learning based on what interests them, which develops their confidence and self-esteem.

“I have visited many of the nurseries and early learning and childcare centres and classes here in Renfrewshi­re recently and have witnessed first-hand how valuable these positive experience­s can be for our children, helping them grow as confident individual­s.”

Visit www.renfrewshi­ uk/apply-nursery for more informatio­n or to apply.

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