The Gazette (Scotland)

Brute bit man’s ear off and spat it at him

- By Connor Gordon

FIRE crews were called to two blazes at the same block of flats in Renfrewshi­re within the space of seven hours.

The first incident at the building in Achray Drive, Paisley, took place at 11pm on Wednesday, January 10, with the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) asked to respond.

Four fire engines were sent to the scene, where

A CHEF who bit off a bar worker’s ear and spat it at him has been jailed.

Renfrewshi­re man Donald Cameron, 38, pounced on Kevin Sutherland in Glasgow city centre on June 26, 2022.

Cameron had earlier been ejected from Box bar, in Sauchiehal­l Street, before Mr Sutherland approached him outside to tell him he was banned.

The argument became physical, which led to Cameron being on the ground.

Cameron, of Paisley, then chased Mr Sutherland and went on to bite off part of his ear before spitting it at him.

At an earlier hearing at Glasgow Sheriff Court, he pleaded guilty to assaulting Mr Sutherland to his severe injury and permanent disfigurem­ent.

And when he returned to the dock on Friday to learn his fate, crews managed to extinguish the flames.

However, at around 6am the next morning, firefighte­rs were back there to deal with a second incident.

On that occasion, three fire vehicles were in attendance.

No injuries were reported.

A spokespers­on for the SFRS said: “We were

Sheriff Matthew Jackson KC handed him a 27-month prison sentence.

He told Cameron: “You have previous conviction­s and you are alerted at 11pm on Wednesday, January 10, to reports of a fire at a block of flats on Achray Drive.

“Operations control mobilised four appliances to the scene, where crews extinguish­ed the fire.

“We were also alerted to a fire within the same block of flats at 6.09am on Thursday, January 11.

“Operations control mobilised three appliances to the scene.” not a stranger to violence.

“Your victim was a man at his place of work doing his job that evening.

“There were a number of people in that evening while you were drinking.

“I recognise at some point that he had a fear of being attacked and he punched you.

“You chased after him, got on top of him and chewed his ear off and spat it back at him.

“This was an incident of your own making and, standing the gravity, I don’t see an alternativ­e to custody.”

John Flannigan, defending, earlier told the sentencing hearing that Cameron had been out celebratin­g his brother’s birthday on the night in question.

The lawyer added: “The victim followed him outside and he said that the victim punched him.

“He fell to the ground and, at that point, Mr Sutherland went back towards the pub and Mr Cameron followed him and they got into a fight.

“He is shocked about what happened and feels extremely bad about it and didn’t want to cause any harm.”

 ?? ?? Donald Cameron was sentenced at Glasgow Sheriff Court on Friday
Donald Cameron was sentenced at Glasgow Sheriff Court on Friday

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