The Gazette (Scotland)

Iain Nicolson



I HOPE you managed to have an enjoyable time with your friends and family over the festive period and I wish you a very happy new year now that 2024 has arrived.

I want to offer a huge thank-you to all of our council teams and everyone who has worked to deliver our essential services and provide the support our local communitie­s need. Your dedication is appreciate­d and not taken for granted.

As we start the new year, I wanted to take a look at some of the exciting projects planned in Renfrewshi­re.

A key priority of my SNP administra­tion is creating new opportunit­ies for economic growth, including bringing new, exciting businesses to the area, so it’s fantastic to see the Advanced Manufactur­ing Innovation District Scotland continue to advance, with thousands of jobs being created within Renfrewshi­re as more businesses choose the district as their home.

This year, we are set to see the opening of a new road bridge over the River Clyde, as well as connecting roads, cycling and walking routes, as we join Renfrew with Yoker and Clydebank across the water.

The project will create an attractive waterfront area that will connect people to health, education and leisure facilities on both sides, as well as bringing new jobs to the riverside.

The ongoing investment from the Glasgow City Region will be transforma­tive and we are already seeing the benefits from infrastruc­ture projects which have been completed.

Another project I’m looking forward to seeing completed this year is our £320,000 investment in tennis courts in Renfrew, Johnstone and Paisley.

The sites at Robertson Park and Park Road are being transforme­d with new tarmac surfaces, nets, lining and access gates, while work to clean, repair and repaint the courts at Brodie Park has already been completed as we seek to increase interest in the sport in Renfrewshi­re.

As part of the investment, we will work with OneRen and the Lawn Tennis Associatio­n (LTA) to

It will be great to see these courts back in action and full of players of all ages this summer. Hopefully we can find the next Wimbledon champion in Renfrewshi­re

deliver free park tennis sessions for all ages, playing levels and experience, as well as free coaching for local schoolchil­dren.

In addition, local tennis leagues will have access to the courts to provide friendly, sociable opportunit­ies to get active.

It will be great to see these courts back in action and full of players of all ages this summer. Hopefully we can find the next Wimbledon champion in Renfrewshi­re.

I’m also looking forward to seeing our #RenZero campaign advance this year as we continue to work towards Renfrewshi­re becoming net zero by 2030.

The Sustainabl­e Communitie­s Fund is available for local people to develop sustainabl­e projects in Renfrewshi­re, so if you have an idea, please get in touch with our team to be supported to make an applicatio­n for a portion of the £1.5million of funding.

As a council, we consider climate change in every decision we take and our teams are currently working on the delivery plans that set out exactly how we will achieve our ambitious aims.

While this is already making a difference to our own emissions, we need local businesses, partners and communitie­s to play their part too, as it is only by working together that we will achieve net-zero emissions.

 ?? ?? This digital image shows how the new road bridge connecting Renfrew with Yoker and Clydebank will look
This digital image shows how the new road bridge connecting Renfrew with Yoker and Clydebank will look
 ?? ?? Tennis courts at Brodie Park, in Paisley, have been upgraded
Tennis courts at Brodie Park, in Paisley, have been upgraded

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