The Gazette (Scotland)

Spiralling costs spark cash crisis for hospices

- By William Brown

HOSPICES in Renfrewshi­re are facing a cash crisis, sparking fears over the future of vital services.

Bosses at St Vincent’s Hospice, in Howwood, and Accord Hospice, in Paisley, have outlined a stark financial picture as they plead for more funding from the Scottish Government.

Both charities continue to play a key role in the local community, with demand for palliative care increasing, but “spiralling” staff costs, as well as high running costs, are said to be stretching hospices “to the brink.”

Jacki Smart, CEO of Accord Hospice, described the challenge of meeting rising costs without additional funding as “immense.”

“It is unreasonab­le that hospices have to rely on charity to pay their dedicated staff a fair wage whilst government support funds the increase paid to similar staff in the NHS,” she said.

“Our staff provide brilliant care to people at the most vulnerable time of their lives. They should be treated equally with NHS colleagues who do the same.”

Gillian Green, CEO of St Vincent’s Hospice, added: “I stand alongside my colleagues, urging a commitment to additional funding.

“Our dedicated staff deserve fair wages without relying on charity.”

The Scottish Government said it understand­s the pressures hospices are currently facing.

A spokespers­on added: “The public health minister has visited a number of hospices over the last few months and held an open and honest discussion with hospice leaders and health and social care chief officers.

“We will continue to work with chief officers and independen­t hospices to support longer term sustainabl­e planning and commission­ing for the sector.

“Independen­t hospices are highly valued and provide vital support to people and their families, as well as other health and social care services and teams delivering palliative care.

“The financial position across Scottish Government is extremely challengin­g and work is ongoing to identify measures to address the continued challenges in 2023/24 and beyond.”

 ?? ?? St Vincent’s Hospice provides palliative care for people across Renfrewshi­re
St Vincent’s Hospice provides palliative care for people across Renfrewshi­re

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