The Gazette (Scotland)

Darts prodigy aims to become world champ

- By Jacob Nicol

A RENFREW schoolboy is aiming to become a darts world champion after winning a prestigiou­s title for his country.

Mitchell Lawrie, 13, was one of four players who represente­d Scotland at this year’s Junior Darts Corporatio­n (JDC) World Cup event in Gibraltar.

After defeating rivals from China, Norway, Germany, Spain and England, the team faced Ireland in the final.

And, cheered on by his family, it was Mitchell’s successful attempt at hitting a double five on the dartboard that secured an impressive 4-0 victory for Scotland.

It is the first time the country has won the competitio­n.

Mitchell, who is a pupil at Renfrew High School, told The Gazette: “It was a massive achievemen­t for me to be the one to hit the winning dart to seal the World Cup for my team.

“The emotions when we won were something I’ve never felt.

“It’s not really sunk in that we did it and brought the World Cup back to Scotland for the first time and made history by beating the favourites, England.

“To have my family with me was so special, as they have supported everything I’ve done this year.”

Mitchell started playing darts from the age of three after watching some of the best players compete at the Scottish Open when it was held at the Normandy Hotel, in Renfrew.

He plays for the Cotton A team in the Renfrew Darts League and, earlier this year, was encouraged by his mentor James Ward to start competing in JDC events.

Mitchell’s proud mum Lyn said: “He is such a good darts player because of his total commitment to the sport.

“We’ve got a dartboard set up for him in the kitchen and he can be practising for up to four hours a day on it.

“He’s gone from strength to strength and we were just so elated when he won the World Cup. “It was epic.”

Earlier this year, Mitchell signed with major sponsor Target Darts, which produces a wide range of darts equipment.

It is the next step along a path he hopes will lead to competing at the PDC (Profession­al Darts Corporatio­n) World Championsh­ips.

This year’s tournament is currently taking place at Alexandra Palace, in London, where 16-yearold English ace Luke Littler has created a storm by becoming the youngest person to win a match at the event.

After his first round victory over Christian Kist, Luke defeated UK Open champion Andrew Gilding to secure his third round place.

Lyn would love to see Mitchell going on to compete on such a high-profile stage.

She said: “Now that he knows the success this can bring, he is even more committed to darts than ever before.

“Mitchell wants to become a profession­al darts player and a world champion.

“Due to his age, he’s got a few years yet before he can qualify for the PDC but it’s definitely in his sights now.”

 ?? ?? Mitchell Lawrie (second left) with his Scotland team-mates Sophie McKinlay, Logan Gilmour and Kyle Davidson
Mitchell Lawrie (second left) with his Scotland team-mates Sophie McKinlay, Logan Gilmour and Kyle Davidson

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