The English Garden


Add another dimension to your enjoyment of the garden with a room by Vale Garden Houses

- For more informatio­n, tel: 01476 564433 or visit valegarden­

Whether you’re looking for somewhere to relax, to entertain, or simply to escape and be surrounded by your plants, orangeries and conservato­ries perfectly fuse indoor and outdoor living. With large glazed panels that let natural light flood in, they are at the very heart of a home, as transforma­tional places in which you can spend quality time.

Finding the right garden room for your needs isn’t always a straightfo­rward task. In 1982, the founder of Vale Garden Houses faced that very same task. He wanted a greenhouse that was both architectu­rally beautiful and also met his gardening needs. When he couldn’t find what he was looking for, he decided to design and build his own – and so Vale Garden Houses came to be.

More than 40 years later, Vale Garden Houses is widely regarded as an industry leader and is still a family-run business. Combining modern technology with the finest materials, all Vale orangeries and conservato­ries are made to last.

Where house meets garden

Multifunct­ional rooms are always popular – dining and kitchen areas are frequently combined with spaces for relaxing and looking out into the garden. In summer, double doors can be left open leading to terraces for outdoor dining or straight into the garden for those who can’t bear to stay inside when the sun is shining.

For any keen gardener looking for their perfect plant room, an orangery or conservato­ry could be a wise choice, providing the ideal conditions for a diverse range of flora. When creating the ideal garden orangery, Vale’s design team consider a range of factors that could impact plant cultivatio­n. Lighting, ventilatio­n, and temperatur­e regulation are a major focus in these green spaces, with south-facing orangeries proving most popular for plant enthusiast­s.

As with any room that is predominan­tly made up of glass and receives plenty of sunlight, ventilatio­n is a must. Without adequate airflow, plants are prone to overheat, wilt, or dry out completely. An ideal self-regulating solution is the incorporat­ion of a thermostat­ic vent system. These can be designed to open

when the internal temperatur­e reaches a certain level and to close when it rains, thanks to a built-in rain sensor, so neither the plants nor the room itself will be subjected to any unexpected showers.

In keeping with period properties

When picking out the design for an orangery, it’s important to first take a step back and consider the style of the existing house. Any new additions can be designed to be in keeping with what’s already there. Vale’s designers can replicate original features such as roof pitch, window design, and glazing style. By taking into account every aspect of the property, right down to the replicatio­n of hand-crafted details and finishes where required, the resulting orangery will be an ornate yet natural continuati­on of the house itself.

It’s this attention to detail that ensures Vale’s garden structures blend seamlessly into the rest of the home, giving them that timeless quality. With as much of the process completed in-house as possible, the final structure will be a perfect fit for the needs of the property and the taste of the client, right down to a specific corbel design or hand-carved finial.

With an extensive portfolio of work, Vale Garden Houses is considered a specialist in working with period properties. Its team of experience­d designers have a wealth of knowledge in a variety of architectu­ral styles having already designed many garden structures in line with its clients’ Gothic, Victorian, Edwardian, and Georgian homes. In fact, Vale is no stranger to working with listed properties and is experience­d in liaising with conservati­on o cers and local authoritie­s on behalf of its customers, taking the stress out of the planning and constructi­on process.

From the comfort of a beautiful orangery or conservato­ry, you can appreciate your garden whatever the weather. Cosy up and listen to the rain patter gently o† the roof in winter, or throw open the doors and let the sun stream inside in summer.

A well-designed orangery or conservato­ry can turn a previously disused space into the most used room at the heart of any home and garden.

 ?? ?? Above A Vale Garden Houses room will soon become the heart of the home, helping to bring the outside in and making the garden feel integral to the house.
Above A Vale Garden Houses room will soon become the heart of the home, helping to bring the outside in and making the garden feel integral to the house.
 ?? ?? Top right The bespoke structures can be designed to mirror architectu­ral details.
Top right The bespoke structures can be designed to mirror architectu­ral details.
 ?? ?? Top left Gardeners can indulge their love of growing, with a wide range of plants thriving in a conservato­ry’s warmth.
Top left Gardeners can indulge their love of growing, with a wide range of plants thriving in a conservato­ry’s warmth.
 ?? ?? Above Fling open the doors on a sunny day and bring the garden into the house.
Above Fling open the doors on a sunny day and bring the garden into the house.
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