The Edinburgh Reporter

Speedy Pickering

Aussie is outstandin­g member of the Monarchs’ squad


JOSH PICKERING claimed a sensationa­l 20 points in a recent Cab Direct Championsh­ip defeat suffered by the Stellar Monarchs speedway team at Glasgow Allied Vehicles Tigers.

The 27-year-old Aussie received shale-loads of praise from his own bosses and even from the opposition for his outstandin­g performanc­e, winning six of his seven rides and only being beaten in his final outing by opposition No 1, experience­d Chris Harris, a former Grand Prix racer and a three-time British champion.

Indeed, Glasgow Tigers’ team manager, Cami Brown, feels the man from Heddon Greta, New South Wales, has been the best visitor to Tigers’ Ashfield Stadium this summer.

Brown added: “There’s little doubt that Josh Pickering was different class. He has been the best visitor to Ashfield this season by some margin.”

Praise indeed, for a fierce rival.

Sadly, with Justin Sedgmen missing through injury, Picking’s eye-catching haul failed to earn Monarchs valuable points on the night as the visitors did not have sufficient back-up.

Glasgow’s squad all contribute­d, which was key in that match and crucial to overall success for all teams who crave success in the Cab Direct Championsh­ip.

JPosichker­ing, who started his British career with EdPiinckbe­urirngh in 2017, currently averages over nine points a match with Sedgmen second best

with nearly eight and captain Paco Castagna next best with Kye Thomson also over seven.

Lasse Fredriksen averages over five with Connor Coles three and Max James one so it is not hard to see where improvemen­t needs to be made.

The club have already been counted out of the end-of-season play-offs and the ambition now is to lift the club off the bottom and finish as high up the table as they can before the end of the season. It has not been pleasant for diehard fans to look at the table in print or on social media in recent months to see the

Monarchs propping up the rest.

At least, the club still have silverware ambitions and have something to aim for as a disappoint­ing season comes to a close.

They square-up to Scunthorpe Scorpions in the BSN Series, semi-final, with the first-leg at Armadale in late August followed by the return at the Eddie Wright Raceway on Friday 6 September at 7.30pm.

Pickering’s contributi­on will be key. The former League Championsh­ip winner with Sheffield in 2023 he will undoubtedl­y look for his team-mates to step-up when it matters.

 ?? ?? Monarchs on the go
Monarchs on the go
 ?? ?? Josh Pickering
Josh Pickering

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