The Daily Telegraph

‘Alarming rise’ in abuse during campaignin­g for election

- By Genevieve Holl-allen POLITICAL REPORTER

MPS faced an “alarming rise” in intimidati­on and abuse during the election campaign, the Home Secretary has said.

Yvette Cooper has announced that she will meet candidates who were victims of harassment and other abuse during the general election, after MPS revealed that they had suffered from intimidato­ry behaviour.

It comes after she received a dossier from the Government’s political violence tsar detailing incidents of abuse, as he warned of a “dark underbelly of extremism” in public life. The Home Secretary also announced she will chair a meeting of the Defending Democracy Taskforce next week to ensure “public safety, security and standards”. Yesterday, she said: “The recent general election campaign demonstrat­ed some of the great strengths of our democratic

‘We must be able to debate and disagree on issues without ever resorting to intimidati­ng tactics’

traditions, including a smooth and peaceful transition of power from one party to another, but during this campaign we also saw an alarming rise in intimidati­on, harassment and abuse towards candidates, campaigner­s and volunteers from all parties which simply cannot be tolerated.

“Some of those incidents are now being investigat­ed by the police.”

“In our democracy we must be able to passionate­ly debate and disagree on issues without ever resorting to intimidati­ng tactics designed to silence voices, suppress votes or prevent free and full participat­ion in our democratic processes.

“The disgracefu­l scenes we saw in some areas during this election campaign must not be repeated.

“In the coming weeks, I will also be speaking and meeting with MPS and candidates from across political parties who faced intimidati­on, harassment and abuse during the election campaign to hear about their experience­s.”

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