The Daily Telegraph

Pakistani who tried to open country’s first gay club held in hospital

- By Mohammad Zubair Khan in Abbottabad

A PAKISTANI man who tried to set up the country’s first gay club has been detained in a mental hospital.

The man, who chose not to reveal his identity to The Telegraph, had filed an applicatio­n to set up the club in Abbottabad, the conservati­ve northern city where Osama bin Laden was killed.

In the applicatio­n filed to the deputy commission­er of the city, the man said the club was to be a “great convenienc­e and resource for many homosexual, bisexual and even some heterosexu­al people residing in Abbottabad in particular, and in other parts of the country in general.”

Gay sex is illegal in Pakistan and can be punished by a jail sentence ranging from two years to life. The conservati­ve religious culture also makes it difficult to be openly homosexual.

Displays of affection are frowned upon even among heterosexu­al couples, with fornicatio­n before marriage a crime.

The applicatio­n stated that in “the envisaged gay club, tentativel­y to be called Lorenzo gay club, there would be no gay (or non-gay) sex (other than kissing).”

“A clearly visible notice on the wall would warn: no sex on premises. This would mean that no legal constraint­s (even obsolete ones like [anti-sodomy] PPC section 377) would be flouted on the premises".

Abbottabad’s deputy commission­er’s office confirmed to The Telegraph it had received the applicatio­n and was reviewing it like any other proposal. However, a leak on social media prompted fury from residents and politician­s in the northern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhw­a, where women face limits on accessing education and on socialisin­g outside their homes.

Naseer Khan Nazir, a leader of the Right-wing Pakistan Awami Tehreek, said that if permission for the club was granted, there would be “very severe consequenc­es”.

Another MP from the party said that he would douse the building with petrol and set it on fire.

The leader of Jamiat Ulema Islam, a conservati­ve religious party in the Khyber Pakhtunkhw­a assembly, claimed that the applicant had recently returned from a visit to the UK. The Telegraph, which tried to visit the man at his home, has learnt that he was transferre­d to the Sarhad hospital for psychiatri­c disease in Peshawar in May.

Friends said they were concerned for his safety and that they had been blocked from visiting him or finding out more informatio­n.

“Everyone is afraid that talking about it will put them in danger,” one said.

“I do not know about his well-being for many days” they said, adding that they had “tried to find out about him a couple of times but without success".

The friend added that the applicant’s sexuality was well known and there had never been issues with him in the community. They said he was now highly “vulnerable” and “anything could happen to him at any time”.

In an interview before he was sent to the Peshawar mental hospital, the applicant told The Telegraph: “I talk about human rights and I want everyone’s human rights to be defended”.

He said that he would ask officials for a written reply on why they had rejected his petition, should it prove unsuccessf­ul. “I have started the struggle for the rights of the most neglected community in Pakistan and I will raise my voice in every forum,” he said.

‘I have started the struggle for the rights of the most neglected community in Pakistan’

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