The Daily Telegraph

Boy thrown off Tate Modern can finally play by himself again

- By Daily Telegraph Reporter

‘He can go play in the garden with the dog, sit down to draw, build with his Legos’ ‘We continue to be proud of our son’s efforts and his progress’

THE family of a boy thrown from the 10th floor of the Tate Modern art gallery say they are “proud of his progress” as he is now able to play by himself.

The French child was six when he was badly hurt in an attack by teenager Jonty Bravery at the London museum five years ago. The child, who was on holiday with his parents in August 2019, survived a 100ft (30m) fall but suffered life-changing injuries, including a bleed on the brain and broken bones.

In an update posted on a Gofundme page yesterday, relatives said he had “begun to chose activities for himself ”.

The boy, who spent months in intensive care, is said to be gaining maturity and independen­ce.

His family said: “He can go play in the garden with the dog, sit down to draw, build with his Legos, take a board game or read in his room. He is more careful in his movements and in his actions in general, which allows him to start helping in the house by feeding the dog for example, or clearing his plate.

“He is very proud now to be able to open his shutters by himself and above all to finally access the refrigerat­or to serve himself his dessert.”

The boy has gained strength on his left side, making him more stable when standing, the family said.

They added that this progress had allowed him to “guide his horse a little alone, at the horse-assisted therapy with adapted reins”.

They said the child was having to work a lot harder than the other children at school to keep up with lessons, but is continuing to “progress” and “learn new concepts”. They added: “His memory has greatly improved. He is now able to remember events that happened to him that same day or to talk spontaneou­sly about a subject mentioned an hour previously.

“This remains very fragmentar­y compared to normal, but it is enormous progress which really helps our daily life.”

“We continue to be proud of our son’s efforts and his progress. We are in awe of his courage.

“As always, a huge thank you to all of you for following and supporting us throughout our son’s healing journey. We stay on course and don’t give up.” Bravery, who suffers from autism, was in supported accommodat­ion at the time of the attack but was allowed out unsupervis­ed.

He intended to select and kill someone, a court was later told. Bravery, who was 17 at the time, pleaded guilty to attempted murder and was jailed in 2020 for 15 years.

Vicky Diplacto, a nurse from London whose brother was paralysed after an accident overseas, set up the Gofundme appeal to help.

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