The Daily Telegraph

Father watches killer driver flee fatal crash

Motorist who hid from police for two days is jailed after husband in car behind witnesses wife and son die

- By Daily Telegraph Reporter

A MAN watched his wife and son die after a dangerous driver ploughed into them head-on and hid from the police.

Angela Boyack, 59, and her son Stephen, 22, were driving along the A632 near Kelstedge, Derbys, when Joshua Hill, 27, crashed into them.

He had been attempting to overtake another car in his BMW X3 in the rain and collided with Mrs Boyack’s Hyundai i20 travelling in the opposite direction, killing her instantly.

Stephen, who was driving the car, suffered serious injuries and was taken to hospital where he died shortly after.

William Boyack, Angela’s husband, was driving with his elder son Alex behind the pair and witnessed the collision.

After the crash, Hill ran from the scene, stopping a passing motorist and asking for a lift into Chesterfie­ld, before getting the bus to Sheffield. He then hid at various properties in the city for two days before being arrested on Dec 11 2023.

Hill, who was from South Yorkshire, initially denied the charges before pleading guilty to causing death by dangerous driving, causing death by driving while unlicensed or uninsured, failing to stop after an accident and failing to report an accident.

He was jailed for 13 years at Derby Crown Court on Friday.

In a victim impact statement, Mr Boyack said: “I am still constantly having the most horrific and soul-sickening flashbacks to the collision. Losing my wife Angela and my son Stephen has ruined my life in every sense of the word and meaning.

“If losing Angela was not enough, I lost my youngest beautiful gentle giant of a son. This has utterly and totally destroyed me. He was only 22 years old and had his whole life to live.”

He added: “There are no words to describe the disgust and contempt that I have for Hill.

“The fact he stood there watching the carnage that he had perpetrate­d and didn’t help. I will never forgive him or forget his actions and the damage he has done.

“To put myself, my son, my family and friends through so much heartache and uncertaint­y whilst knowing his guilt and culpabilit­y in the deaths of two people, the fact that he knew he was guilty and refused to acknowledg­e his actions which caused the death of two innocent souls, then waiting for almost five months to admit to what the evidence clearly shows.

“The heartache, stress, pain and desolation are unbearable. Why, why did you do this? That is what I want to know.”

Det Con Ian Niven, who led the investigat­ion, said: “This was a horrific collision which caused the deaths of two people who were in the area visiting family.

“The fact that it occurred in front of Angela’s husband and son is even more devastatin­g.

“For Hill to then run from the scene while other members of the public rushed to help shows his blatant disregard for anyone else.

“Sadly for Angela and Stephen’s family, the consequenc­es of Hill’s actions on that day will live with them forever as they have to face the future without their loved ones.

“While nothing can ever bring Angela and Stephen back, I hope that knowing Hill is now behind bars for some considerab­le time allows their family some small comfort.”

‘The heartache, stress, pain and desolation are unbearable. Why, why did you do this?’

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 ?? ?? Joshua Hill was seen on a dashcam overtaking in poor conditions before the crash, below
Joshua Hill was seen on a dashcam overtaking in poor conditions before the crash, below

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