The Daily Telegraph

Reports Editorial Comment Obituary The man who changed how we eat

- By Victoria Ward

Max Stephens

Daniel Hardaker

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY’S body lay undiscover­ed just yards from a beach resort for nearly five days, it emerged yesterday, as his wife said he “so very nearly made it” to safety.

The broadcaste­r and author was found dead yesterday morning after his disappeara­nce on the Greek island of Symi last Wednesday caused a major search and rescue operation.

CCTV footage showed Mosley gingerly walking down a rocky mountain near the perimeter fence of the Agia Marina resort before appearing to stumble and fall out of view, just over two hours after he left his wife and friends.

His wife, Clare Bailey Mosley, paid tribute to her “wonderful, funny, kind and brilliant husband”. She said: “We’re taking comfort in the fact that he so very nearly made it. He did an incredible climb, took the wrong route and collapsed

in Symi, and

where he couldn’t be easily seen by the extensive search team.”

The coroner said an initial examinatio­n had ruled out foul play as there were “no obvious injuries” to Mosley’s body, adding: “It looks like it was a fall.”

A spokesman for the coroner said they would need to establish whether he had a “medical episode”.

A police source said they had ruled out any possibilit­y of criminalit­y but that it was currently impossible to determine the cause of the death. Tributes from friends and colleagues poured in for Dr Mosley who popularise­d the 5:2 diet. Jamie Oliver, the celebrity chef, said he was a “wonderfull­y sweet, kind and gentle man” who “did such a lot of good for public health”.

Writing in today’s Telegraph, his friend Dr Tim Spector, the epidemiolo­gist, said Mosley’s “humble, calm and self-deprecatin­g style as he carefully explained complex science in simple terms, [was] why the public loved him.”

Mosley had been on holiday when he left his wife and their friends at the St Nicholas beach bar at 1.30pm on Wednesday to walk back to their holiday villa in temperatur­es of 40C (104F).

He walked past a cafe in the village of Pedi at 1.52pm before apparently taking a wrong turn and embarking upon a treacherou­s mountainou­s path.

His wife raised the alarm at 7.30pm that evening, causing a major search operation involving the coastguard, police, firefighte­rs, divers, drones and

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