The Daily Telegraph

Tate sued by four British women over rape and abuse allegation­s

- By Martin Evans crime editor

FOUR women who allege that they were raped and sexually abused by Andrew Tate, the social media influencer, have launched a civil case for damages against him.

Lawyers for the women served Mr Tate with civil papers at his home in Romania yesterday.

The former profession­al kick-boxer is awaiting trial in Bucharest on charges of human traffickin­g and rape, and is also facing extraditio­n back to the UK, where he is being investigat­ed over similar allegation­s.

The civil case relates to alleged incidents dating back to 2013 when the women were working for Mr Tate and claim they were raped by him.

Three of the women went to Hertfordsh­ire police in 2014 and 2015 and reported the alleged offences, and Mr Tate was arrested and questioned.

In 2018, police sent a file to the Crown Prosecutio­n Service, but it later said no charges would be brought.

Mr Tate, 37, has denied the allegation­s and is threatenin­g to sue the women for defamation.

But yesterday the women, who have been crowd-funding to pay for their case, served him with legal papers.

A spokesman for their legal team at the firm Mccue Jury and Partners said: “The criminal justice system let these women down; civil action is their last remaining route to justice.”

Mr Tate moved to Romania in 2017 where he has been under investigat­ion over allegation­s that he recruited young women and forced them to make online pornograph­ic content. Last month a court in Bucharest decided there was enough evidence to send the case to trial.

Mr Tate is also facing an investigat­ion by Bedfordshi­re Police into allegation­s of rape and human traffickin­g against him and his brother, Tristan, 35, dating back to 2012. An extraditio­n request has been approved by Romanian authoritie­s.

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