The Daily Telegraph

Deaf toddler given the gift of sound after world-first gene therapy

‘Spectacula­r’ results allow 18-month-old girl to hear after ground-breaking internatio­nal trial

- By Michael Searles Health Correspond­ent

A DEAF toddler is now able to hear after becoming the first patient in the world to receive a new gene therapy.

Opal Sandy, an 18-month-old girl from Oxfordshir­e, was born with a genetic form of a condition called auditory neuropathy, which disrupts nerve impulses travelling from the inner ear to the brain and prevents sound being processed.

In September, she became the first person in the world to receive gene replacemen­t treatment as part of a global trial, and experts are excited by the “potential cure” for the condition.

Opal, like her five-year-old sister Nora, was born with a faulty version of the OTOF gene, which carries the instructio­ns for a neurotrans­mitter to be produced that allows the ear to communicat­e with the brain. The malfunctio­n causes severe hearing loss.

Nora’s diagnosis meant Opal was eligible for genetic testing on the NHS, which detected she also had the faulty gene. The condition had not been picked up by newborn screening tests in either child.

While Nora has cochlear implants in both ears, which are the current gold-standard treatment, Opal was able to join the gene therapy trial, although she also has an implant in one ear as a safety measure.

The gene therapy, called DB-OTO and manufactur­ed by Regeneron, works by replacing the faulty gene with a working version. It is administer­ed by a single injection of a modified and harmless virus carrying the new genetic material.

The treatment means the ear’s sensory cells are able to produce a vital protein called otoferlin that is required for the tiny hair cells in the ear to transmit signals to the brain.

Opal’s parents, Jo and James Sandy, noticed improvemen­ts after just three weeks and progress has continued. Opal’s doctors say her hearing is now “almost normal for her age” although progress will become clearer as she learns to talk.

Jo Sandy, a 33-year-old geography teacher, said it was “bonkers” how quickly her daughter became able to hear. “We were in the routine of testing quite loud sounds like banging, clapping, wooden spoons on saucepans, that kind of really intermitte­nt loud noise,” she said.

“I was testing that with her implant on and hadn’t realised that her implant had actually come off, and she turned to pretty loud clapping. When she first turned, I couldn’t believe it.

“I thought it was a fluke or like a change in light or something that had caught her eye, but I repeated it a few times. I was absolutely gobsmacked.”

Opal, who had her surgery at Addenbrook­e’s Hospital in Cambridge, is one of up to 18 children due to be enrolled on the trial, which is taking place in the UK, US and Spain.

While Opal received a low dose to one ear, others will be given higher doses to the other ear, before some children receive the treatment in both ears once there is more evidence it is safe.

Prof Manohar Bance, an ear surgeon at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which runs Addebnbroo­ke’s, and the trial’s chief investigat­or, said the results were “better than I hoped or expected” after 24 weeks.

“We have results from [Opal] which are very spectacula­r – so close to normal hearing restoratio­n. So we do hope it could be a potential cure.”

‘When she first turned, I couldn’t believe it. But I repeated it a few times. I was absolutely gobsmacked’ ‘We have results which are so close to normal hearing restoratio­n. So we do hope it could be a potential cure’

 ?? ?? Opal Sandy’s hearing showed signs of improvemen­t after just three weeks
Opal Sandy’s hearing showed signs of improvemen­t after just three weeks
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