The Daily Telegraph

Sir Peter Hordern

Backbenche­r under Edward Heath and Margaret Thatcher who brought City wisdom to the House


SIR PETER HORDERN, who has died on his 95th birthday, was a mainstay of the Conservati­ve back benches for more than three decades. Lean, insightful and respected, he was elected to the 1922 Committee executive for 29 successive years, and served for 27 on the Public Accounts Committee.

Firmly on the Right on most issues apart from Europe, and an occasional rebel on Rhodesia, race relations and Lords reform, Hordern was an early champion of monetarism, and throughout the Thatcher years urged her government to be more radical. Yet the call to join it never came.

Maybe Margaret Thatcher believed that Hordern could not afford to become a minister. (“We sat down as a family,” he wrote later, “and worked out that the only way we could do it was if we sold the house. I could see the effect on my children. They hated the idea.”)

Maybe the leader bridled at his describing her economic adviser Professor Alan Walters as the “licensed jester to 10 Downing Street”. Or maybe she believed he had found his level, sharing the view of colleagues who passed him over for the chair of the ’22 when Edward du Cann was forced out in 1984.

Yet he remained an influentia­l figure, “overlooked for simply being too clever” according to one colleague, and, for another, “the most respected backbenche­r never to hold office”. That respect survived a period as parliament­ary adviser to the House of Fraser and Mohamed Al-fayed during which – unlike two colleagues whose careers were destroyed – he meticulous­ly declared payments he received.

Australian-reared but describing himself in Who’s Who as British, Hordern epitomised the informed City gent who by keeping the day job could bring keen insight to the House – never more so than in 1965 when he arrived in the Chamber to tell James Callaghan that as a result of changes the Chancellor had made to the Finance Bill the market in gilts had come to a near-standstill for the first time since the crisis of 1931.

Hordern remained a member of the Stock Exchange until 1974, 10 years after his election for Horsham, and from the mid-1980s until his retirement in 1997 he chaired the Foreign and Colonial Smaller Companies Investment Trust and Petrofina UK (later Fina).

After the Conservati­ves’ unexpected return to power in 1970, he applauded the free-market Toryism embraced by Edward Heath, Iain Macleod and Anthony Barber. Within a year he was urging the use of monetary policy to check inflation, and even before the fuel crisis and industrial chaos of late 1973 he termed Heath’s U-turn “not the most scintillat­ing policy on which to win an election”.

That election lost, Hordern was a focus for dissatisfa­ction with Heath. But the new leader Mrs Thatcher, during four years in opposition, never brought him into her team. In The Daily Telegraph, however, Hordern floated a number of ideas she later implemente­d.

He urged the privatisat­ion of nationalis­ed industries, enunciatin­g the doctrine before there was a word for it. His sole difference with the Tory Right on the economy was that he rejected tax allowances for private health care, reckoning them to be a signal that the NHS was “second-rate” and opening the door for tax breaks for private education.

Hordern was further ahead of his time in proposing the conversion of Somerset House, then a bastion of the Inland Revenue, to a national art gallery. He first suggested this in 1971; by his retirement the Revenue had been ousted from most of the building and fine paintings were on display.

MP for Crawley as well as Horsham until 1983, he campaigned for curbs on noise and night flights at Gatwick, and against a second runway. A further local concern led him to press for an end to the flurry of “beat the tax” weddings every March and September as couples sought to maximise their allowances; clergy in Crawley protested that they could not cope.

Peter Maudslay Hordern was born in Alexandria, a suburb of Sydney, on April 18 1929, the son of Captain Charles Hordern and the former Dorothy Donovan. From Geelong Grammar School he was commission­ed into the 60th Rifles for National Service before going up to Christ Church, Oxford. Graduating in 1952, he joined a stockbroki­ng firm, becoming a partner and member of the Exchange in 1957.

In 1964 he was elected to Parliament at the first attempt, holding Horsham by 9,868 votes when the sitting member retired.

Hordern won his spurs in the Commons defending the City against charges from Harold Wilson’s new government that it was encouragin­g a flight of capital from Britain; he pointed out that were it to do so, the City would be the first casualty.

Impressed, Macleod, then shadow chancellor, co-opted Hordern to his team opposing the 1966 Finance Bill. That year Hordern was elected vice-chairman of the Conservati­ve backbench finance committee, taking the chair from 1970-72. He was first elected to the ’22 executive in 1967.

As a Sussex MP he had early contact with the East Grinstead-based Church of Scientolog­y. He did not like what he saw, and with colleagues persuaded the social services secretary Richard Crossman to set up an inquiry. In 1968 Hordern accused the Scientolog­ists of “extracting money from the weak, the credulous and the mentally ill”. They sued for libel, but the case was dismissed by the High Court five years later.

After the 1970 election he was appointed to the Public Accounts Committee, serving until his retirement and rebuking successive Tory health ministers for having no proper informatio­n about staff numbers in the NHS. He also served on the Public Accounts Commission from 1984, chairing it from 1988.

By the time Hordern was knighted in 1985, he had lost Crawley and regained swathes of rural Sussex. He was one of 34 Tories to warn Mrs Thatcher that she risked losing the South if “excessive developmen­t” continued.

Hordern was a trustee of the parliament­ary pension scheme. Though its workings, if not the size of the pensions paid out, are generally kept secret, he injected a shaft of light in 1989 when he protested to John Wakeham, Leader of the House, over Treasury moves to cut its contributi­on.

Under John Major, Hordern tried to hold the party together as rebellion on the Right against the Maastricht Treaty gained momentum. Before the 1992 election he was elected chairman of the backbench European Affairs Committee.

He was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant for West Sussex in 1988, and a privy counsellor in 1993.

Peter Hordern married Susan Chataway, sister of the former athlete and future minister Christophe­r, in 1964. She survives him, with a son and a daughter; their elder son predecease­d him.

Sir Peter Hordern, born April 18 1929, died April 18 2024

 ?? ?? Firmly on the Right (but not over Europe), Hordern was an early champion of monetarism and urged the Thatcher government to be more radical
Firmly on the Right (but not over Europe), Hordern was an early champion of monetarism and urged the Thatcher government to be more radical

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