The Daily Telegraph

Hundreds arrested at US pro-palestine campus protests

- By Raoul Simons and Laura Murgatroyd

A PHILOSOPHY professor was among hundreds of pro-palestinia­n protesters arrested on campuses across the United States as police toughened up their approach to the demonstrat­ions.

Protesting students have set up camps at more than 20 US universiti­es in defiance of police warnings, including in the capital, where eight higher education institutio­ns began a combined demonstrat­ion at George Washington University, less than a mile from the White House.

Since the encampment on the lawns of New York’s Columbia University last week, more tents have been erected at leading institutio­ns, including Harvard, Yale and the University of Michigan.

Georgia police officers fired rubber bullets and tasers at protesters who gathered at Emory University in Atlanta. Photograph­s and video showed police wrestling with protesters on neatly manicured lawns.

Among those arrested was Professor Noelle Mcafee, chairman of the university’s philosophy department, who was filmed being led away by a balaclava-clad police officer.

As police in riot gear attempted to clear a gathering at the University of Texas at Austin on Wednesday, there were clashes leading to 57 arrests.

Jay Hartzell, its president, defended calling in state troopers, saying: “The university did as we said we would do in the face of prohibited actions.”

Dane Urquhart, a third-year Texas student, called the police presence and arrests an “over-reaction”, saying the protest “would have stayed peaceful” if the officers had not turned out in force.

“Because of all the arrests, I think a lot more [demonstrat­ions] are going to happen,” said Mr Urquhart.

Police made 93 arrests at the University of Southern California after they warned protesters to disperse. The university said it asked officers to intervene after the protests devolved into vandalism and confrontat­ions.

Four officers were injured and 108 people arrested at Emerson College in Boston as baton-wielding police tried to disperse protesters.

In neighbouri­ng Cambridge, Massachuse­tts, Harvard authoritie­s opted for a less confrontat­ional approach by turning on sprinklers and soaking the protesters during their first night in tents.

Across the country, groups of students and activists are calling on the leadership of their universiti­es to cut financial ties with Israel and demand an end to war in Gaza.

Demonstrat­ions have escalated after the arrest of more than 100 protesters at Columbia’s Manhattan campus. Colleges with camps include the University of California, Berkeley, Brown, the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology and California State Polytechni­c University, Humboldt. An encampment has also been set up at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, called the protests “horrific”. “Anti-semitism on campuses in the US is reminiscen­t of what happened in German universiti­es in the 1930s.”

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 ?? ?? State troopers were called in to disperse activists at the University of Texas at Austin, top. Left, police arrested 93 at the University of Southern California. Right, pro-palestinia­n protests at New York University
State troopers were called in to disperse activists at the University of Texas at Austin, top. Left, police arrested 93 at the University of Southern California. Right, pro-palestinia­n protests at New York University

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