The Daily Telegraph

Lineker deletes post calling to ban Israel from football

- By Craig Simpson

GARY LINEKER has removed a social media post calling for Israel to be banned from internatio­nal football, having apparently misunderst­ood the message he shared.

The Match of the Day presenter retweeted a pro-palestinia­n campaign calling for Israel to be barred from tournament­s and games over “its grave violations of internatio­nal law”.

Lineker has removed his retweet following a backlash from MPS angered by the BBC star’s “ill-informed” and “inappropri­ate” use of social media.

It is understood that the former England internatio­nal did not understand what he was sharing, according to sources, and believed he was sharing a news article about Israel being banned, rather than a demand for a ban.

His deletion of the message is unusual, as the presenter refused to remove a controvers­ial post from March 2023 in which he compared the Government’s messaging on its migrant policy to rhetoric from “1930s Germany”.

Lineker’s most recent controvers­y was provoked when he shared a post put out by the Palestinia­n Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, which included a statement from the Palestinia­n Football Associatio­n that called on Fifa and the Internatio­nal Olympic Committee to sanction Israel.

Lineker’s action was condemned by Andrew Percy, a prominent Jewish Tory MP, who branded the presenter “an ill-informed, ignorant commentato­r on the Middle East”.

He added: “The BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions] movement is a racist, anti-semitic campaign and nobody who receives taxpayers’ money working in the BBC should be endorsing a campaign that is widely understood to promote Jew hate.”

Stephen Crabb, the parliament­ary chairman of the Conservati­ve Friends of Israel, said the call for a sports boycott was a “deeply inappropri­ate tweet for any BBC figure to endorse”.

It is understood that Lineker assured the BBC that he did not mean to endorse the boycott. The presenter believed he was sharing a news story about such a boycott, rather than a call for it to be brought about, and deleted his retweet when he realised his error.

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