The Daily Telegraph

The week in Westminste­r


Monday, December 18 Commons: Oral questions: Department for Work and Pensions. Legislatio­n: Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill: Second reading. Adjournmen­t: Highways maintenanc­e and Integrated Transport Block funding formula allocation­s.

Westminste­r Hall: Debate: e-petition 635904, relating to the Internatio­nal Health Regulation­s 2005.

Lords: Introducti­on: Robert Douglas-miller OBE. Royal Assent. Oral questions: Ensuring refugees are given 28 days’ notice before leaving their Home Office accommodat­ion after receiving their documentat­ion; Number of people who will be without a home this Christmas and plans to reduce homelessne­ss; Plans to issue a new road safety strategy; Number of ARAP and Acrs-eligible Afghan nationals currently in Pakistan and at risk of repatriati­on. Legislatio­n: Victims and Prisoners Bill – second reading.

Tuesday, December 19 Commons: Oral questions: Treasury. Ten Minute Rule Motion: Miners’ Strike (Pardons). Legislatio­n: Post Office (Horizon System) Compensati­on Bill: All stages. Adjournmen­t: Transport infrastruc­ture in Cullompton

Westminste­r Hall: General Debate: Christmas, Christiani­ty and communitie­s. Debates: Transition­ing to the Sustainabl­e Farming Initiative; Adequacy of service accommodat­ion; Mid Devon Council financial settlement; Coastal erosion in Suffolk and Norfolk.

Lords: Oral questions: The rise in home and online schooling; Mitigating the risk of people being coerced into showing their confidenti­al medical records to third parties; Plans to revive the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses (Amendment) Regulation­s 2022; Data Protection and Digital Informatio­n Bill – Second Reading.

Wednesday, December 20 Commons: The House is in recess and will next sit on January 8 2024.

Lords: The House is in recess and will next sit on January 10 2024.

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